Only A Few Days

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Joe's pov
Dianne's leaving today. I've spent every day with her for the past few months . She lives with me . It's going to be weird without her. Dianne upstairs packing.  I'm going to Wiltshire and then the Zalfie house in a couple days
I walk upstairs to see Dianne zipping up her suitcase.
She looks up and sees me and get up. I hug her tightly and she smiled .
"Don't worry about me Suggy I'll be just fine. I Promise. I'm coming back in a couple days ."Dianne said
"I know " I said with a smile
"Love you Suggy" She said
At the Airport.
I begin to cry . I don't know why. I don't care but I'm crying .
Dianne turns to look at me and wipes away my tears.
"I don't know why I'm crying " I say wiping my eyes.
"Your going to be fine I promise " Dianne says
Hugging me tightly
"Say Hi to Rina and Mark and Andrew. Oh and of course Danni " I said
"Of course "she said
"Go see your Family Dianne." I said
"Don't worry Suggy I will"she said
She kissed me.
I just hugged her tightly as Dianne kissed me. We pulled away and Dianne had tears in her eyes.
"Be safe "I said
"I will Suggy" Dianne said wiping her eyes
"Go on don't want you to miss your flight "I said hugging her
"I love you Joe " She said
"I love you to Dianne "I said
I kissed her and then she began to walk to security.
She looked back and waved . I waved back and smiled widely. Be safe my love.
Dianne's pov
After a long flight. I step off the plane . I feel a lot of heat. I wonder how Joe is. I already miss him . God Dianne your worse than Joe. Just go to your car Dianne. You need to see your Family.
I walk over to my driver after going through security. She takes my things and I get in the car. After a 40 minute drive I finally reach home. I get my suitcase and thanks to the driver . I take my bag and knock on the door.
The door opens and I see my brother Andrew
"Hey Dianne "he says hugging me
"Hey Andrew " I said with a smile.
When we pull away. I feel two little arms around my legs.
"Mummy "I hear a little girl say
I look down to see little Danni Hugging my legs.
I pick her up and spin her around hugging her tightly.
"Mummy where Joey " She said
"He stayed at home this time. But when you come with mummy on tour you can see him all the time" I said walking through the hall way with my bag still holding onto Danni.
I walk into the living room to see my mum and Dad sat there . I out Danni down and hug my mum and Dad. We begun to all talk as a family.
"So I heard someones got a new boyfriend " My mum says
"Mum can we not " I say
"No come on tells us what he's like" She said
"Well he's funny, sweet, caring,  kind and he makes me smile even when I'm sad and he s ways there for me no matter what. He would do anything for Me like I would do anything for him. He means a lot to me and one day you'll meet him. But Joe's a great guy and He s hilarious but I think I already mentioned that "I said with a smile.
"You must really like him. Dianne are positive .He' s not like the other one " my mum said
"Mum I promise " I said
"I just don't want him to hurt you like the other did."Mum said
"I know Joe would never hurt me. He protects me and I just know He's the one" I said
I feel a tug at my hand and she Danni smiling.
"Come on mummy lets go to my bedroom" she says with a smile
I could never say no to her .
"Show me then." I said with a smile
She pulled me along and up the stairs
She looked back at me and her big blue eyes reminded me of Joe's.
They reminded me of Joe
I love him
I don't care who tries to hurt us
Joe's come a long way
And so have I
I'm Proud of Who we have become
It's going to be me and Joe

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