In Five Minutes (Finale)

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A week later
Dianne's pov
It was a week later now
Me and Joe still aren't really speaking . Things have been awkward. I was sitting at the kitchen island thing when Byron came in and sat beside me
"Dianne can I talk to you" Byron asked
"Yeah sure what's up" I said
"Whats going on with you and Joe because I won't lie Dianne you two are both messes" Byron said
"I know we are Byron but what do I say to him.its like I've forgotten how to talk to Him" I said
"What's even going on" Byron said
"I don't know anymore. I think Joe hates me" I said
"I don't think he does I think he's just confused and needs someone who understands him to help him" Byron said
"Thank you so much Byron, for everything . Joe is very lucky to have a best mate like you " I said
I gave him a hug
"You welcome Dianne . Now talk to him" He said
I let go of Byron and slowly walked upstairs
Walking upstairs and being 37 weeks pregnant is not easy.
I walk towards Joe's door. As I'm about to knock the door opens
Joe sees me and kind of gives m a shocked look
"Hey Dianne is there something you need" Joe said
"Yeah Can I just explain everything to you in 5 minutes " I said
"Dianne everything will take a lot longer than five minutes to explain" He says
"Joe in five minutes I'm going to tell you that the reason me and Josh we're making out is because he came onto me. If you watch the full video he kisses me and then I try to run away. He pins me to the bench and I couldn't get away. I don't want to blame josh because I know he's one of your best mates. I don't want to be the cause of any fights because your all so close and I don't wanna hurt that.  Joe in five minutes I can tell you is When you came into my life everything changed for me . There was something about you that made it bright and happy again. I lost a lot of that happiness when I was around Anthony. Joe you saved me and I will forever be grateful  for what you did. You made my dancing dreams come true and you showed me that I do have a true love for dance. You also showed me that I can love other people. You taught me how to love again . I lost all will to love and then you helped me find it. Joe I fell in love with you. It was always you. From day one of training even when I was with Anthony I though he's the one I love . Joe I can tell you in five minutes that I love you." I said
Joe looked at me and smiled
He pulled me closer to him and then kissed me
It felt as if time had stopped .
"Dianne thank you for everything you've taught me. You mean the world to me . I know I haven't been the best boyfriend and we've had out ruff patches but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to be together . To raise Danni and our little princesses. Dianne I love you. And I want you to be my girlfriend Again but this time I'm not turning back " Joes aid
I smiled
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend. And joe I'm never leaving you ever again and that's a promise " I said
He kissed me
Then something very un expected happened
I felt a gush of liquid down my legs and then a lot of pain in my stomach
"Joe ...Oh my GOD my Fucking waters just broke " I said
To be continued
Can we all just say thank god for Byron in this story.

I'm ending it there. I know I'm an evil little bitch. If you want that sequel I was on about tell me. I genuinely feel very evil. Anyway happy 2019. Have an amazing New Year's Eve and I'll see you next year possibly with the sequel to this book.
Thank you
Jess xxx

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