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Halloween 2018

 End of training

Dianne's POV

Mine and Joe's date was perfect last night.Maybe I can finally move on from Anthony and get on with my life. Joe cooked dinner and we had drinks and a long chat and lots of laughs.Tonight I'm having a Halloween party at my apartment

My roomate Katie is helping me .Me and Joe started at 7am and finished at 6:30pm.Katie had been preping all day.I invited Joe,all his friends,Zoe and Alfie and of course the stricly pros and celebrities.

"Okay Dianne I think were ready"Katie said finishing of her makeup.

This year I went as a vampire.Like on stricly and wearing the exact dress but with my hair in a bun.


I heard a knock on the door.

I got up of the sofa

I opened the door to see Joe and the lads.

"Hiya boys."I hugged Joe .

He kissed me on the cheek

"Come on in foods on the table .Drinks are in the fridge"I said letting them all in.

After everyone arrived

We had music playing .Everyone was dancing and chatting

"So how do you like my pary"I said to Joe 

"In top form Miss Buswell|"He said dancing to the beat of the music

"At least your kind of drunk dancing has improved "I said

"Okay this next song is for Joe Sugg and Dianne Buswell"I heard my roomate say into the microphone

Everyone nuged us onto the dance floor

Rainbow connections began playing

We began dancing 

We did bits of our waltz and danced .Everyone was cheering and singing along.

After the song ended

We ended nose to nose.

Everyone was chanting 'KISS'

Joe pressed his lips against mine.

I pulled away from him and smiled.

Everyone was cheering and whistling

I blushed slightly

"I couldn't reasist"Joe whispered in my ear

I laughed 

"Alright lads thats enough"Joe said 

He spun we around

I smiled


Everone was sat down in a circle chatting away

There was a loud bang at the door and then the door swung open

At the door Anthony stood

Joe stood up and so did I

The room was silent

"I'm giving you one chance Dianne to give up.It doesn't have to end this way"Anthony said

"No matter what you do Anthony I will never love you"I yelled

"Stay away from Dianne, Anthony "Joe said 

"Oh please Joe we all know.You like to steal everyone elses girlfriends and then kick them out "Anthony yelled

"What are you talking about "Joe said 

Suddenly Joe was on the ground ,Anthony walking away.

"Joe"I said rushing over to him

Everyone stared silently

"Don't worry Sugg the media are going to love this news story"Anthont said .Joe got up ,His mouth and nose bleeding

Joe was about to punch Anthony .I grabbed hold of him

"Joe please stop"I said

Anthony walked away

Joe faced me 

"I'm sorry Dianne."Joe said.He walked out the door.

"Joe wait"I yelled after him.

I lost sight of Joe

Everyone called Joe,text Joe .He didn't answer.This is really bad.

20 minutes later

"That's it I'm going to find him alone"I said walking out with my jacket

I walked to Joe's place.Where I saw him on a bench

"Joe"I said 

"Dianne please don't look at me"I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Joe let me take you upstairs"I said helping him up slowly

In Joe's house

I began wiping up his bloody face and mouth.

"Joe you scared me"I told him

"Dianne why do you care so much"Joe asked

"Joe because you mean everything to me"I said kissing his cheek

"I love you Dianne"Joe said

"I know you do"I said 

"Dianne thank you for everything"Joe said

"My pleasure Sugg.Thank you for protecting me tonight"I told him

Joe wiped the tear from my eye

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