Part 1 Finale Its Over

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Me and Dianne hadn't been getting on particularly well recently. I don't know if it's stress or the fact we've been very busy recently. I'm putting it down to the fact she's 36 weeks pregnant .
I'm hanging out with all my best mates
Caspar, Josh, Byron,Mikey,Jack,Conner and Oli
"So where's Dianne today" Caspar asks
"Avoiding me " I said
"What you do Sugg" He replied
"I don't know. She's pregnant and probably stressed. We've been pretty distant for some reason. I'm leaving it be for now" I explained
I heard the door unlock and then slam shut again . I then saw my little red appear in the door way
"Hey Joe ,boys" Dianne said
What's going on. No cute nickname. Something's definitely up
I look over at Josh who is staring uncomfortably at his phone. What the hell is going on
"Hey Dianne, no pro rehearsal" I asked
"I had to come home that baby of ours if very fistey and loves to give me a good kick" Dianne replied.
"Do you want something for  the pain" I said getting up and walking over
"I'm going to get a glass of water and then a nap" She said. Dianne hugged me and then walked into the kitchen
Josh offered to get us all drinks from the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen
I heard a few angry mumbles and the the slamming of my fridge door. I then heard Dianne walk upstairs.
Josh walked back in with our drinks and then we all sat on the sofa and began watching Jack's favourite movie High School Movie
Half way through the film
"Joe have you checked Twitter " Conner said with shock
"Nah why" I said pausing the film
Caspar look at Josh and then me with disappointment. I turn on my phone to see thousands of tweets and Instagram dms and tags. Somethings wrong. Very wrong
I click on my notifications and see a video
There's a red headed girl and then josh making out . It look to be infront of my house complex.
I freeze.
That's Dianne
I look over at Josh who is making his way to the door
Anger and Sadness comes over me all at the same time. I felt betrayed and confused.
"How could you even THINK TO DO THIS TO ME. "I yelled
"Joe it just happened. It was never Diannes fault I promise." He said
"What's going on" I heard Dianne say
"You made out with Josh " I said
Dianne looked at me. With tears in her eyes
"I can't believe it . Josh just get out."I said .
Putting my hands in my head
"Joe please just listen to me" Dianne said
"Is this why you can't stand being around me"I snapped
"Joe I was embarrassed " she said
"Dianne I think we're done" I said
"What" She said
"Dianne, I'm sorry but it's over" I said walking up the stairs
"Joe don't do this" She screamed
I ignore her and walk into my room
As soon as the door closes. Tears stream down my face and my fist meets  the wall.
Every girls done this. Did I overact. The thing is I still love Dianne. She saved me. I feel so broken and empty. Every single persons done this to me and my life is not worth it . I'm not worth. I don't deserve anything even the privilege to live. All my friends hate me and now Dianne hates me. I hate myself for even going anywhere near that girl. Maybe things would have been different . Maybe I wouldn't have ever fallen in love and wouldn't have end up hurt. How do you explain to millions of people and the ones who are close my best mate made out with my girlfriend. The one who I thought was the one I was going to marry

Okay that was the first chapter of the finale . Hope you I don't wanna say enjoyed because I've  just Ripped apart Joanne. I'm sorry. Just read all the chapters because they're pretty dramatic and ending is . Just read them. Next chapters quite HEAVY and I'll give you a trigger warning now. Very dramatic.
Jess xxx

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