Not Yet

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Wanna say now I don't want Anthony to be seen as a bad person.I'm sure he's not.Its just a story so don't send him any hate beacause  people do that.Enjoy the story

Jess xxx

Dianne's POV

Joe's Place

I found another note on the counter.I read it.Joe walked in and took it off me and read it 

The Note

Well Sugg this is how it ends.You give me Dianne.And I take you for my own and you can both live.But fail to do so.Then game over for both of you.Don't turn around to quickly because now I'm right behind you.


Me and Joe both turned around.Behind us was two poeple.Brittney and Anthtony.Guns loaded

My breathing quickened.Joe stayed calm

"So Suggy this is it.Your little red has a choice to make.She can come with me and your same.Or you will take you last breaths right now"Anthony said coming behind Joe and putting the loaded gun to his head

"Anthony please don't hurt him"I said coming closer

"Watch it Red because I can hurt you to"Brittney said putting the gun to my head

"Dianne I'd rather die than let you go with him"Joe said

"Are you sure about that"Anthony said pressing the gun with more pressure against his head

"Anthony I'll go with you just let go of Joe, just take me I don't care"I told Anthony

Anthony noded his head and both him and Brittney lowered their guns.

Anthony and Brittney aproched me 

"Let me say goodbye please"I pleaded

"Get on with it then we'll be in the next room"Brittney said

They left

"Anthony won't hurt me but don't do anything .If you do it will get worse.Joe I can't lose you not now"I told Joe

"Take this to protect your self and make sure you phones on.I will find you"Joe said handing my a pocket knife

I turned to leave

Joe took hold of arm and kissed me

"I love you.This might be goodbye"I said

"It will never be goodbye until the day I die"Joe said

"Are we over"I asked

"Not yet"Joe said

I kissed him and then walked away.Anthony took hold of me and took me to his car.We began to drive.

Joe's POV

The minute the door slamed shut .I grabbed my mobile

I dialed 999

"Hello 999 whats your emergency and who do you require"The operator asked

"Hello My names Joe Sugg.My girlfriends name is Dianne Buswell and shes just been kiddnaped and is being held captive by Anthony Quinland and Brittney Smith"I said

"Sir what time did this happen"The operator asked

"Just a minute ago.They held guns to out heads and then Dianne gave herself up otherwise they'd kill us"I explained pacing around

"The police are on their way.Were going to find Miss Buswell"The operator said

"Could you tell me if there is any motive to this attack"She asked

"Yeah there crazy ex's"I could here the sirens

There was a loud knock at the door

"I will leave in safe hands "She said

"Thank you so much"I put the phone down and opened the door

"Mr Sugg."The officer said

"We've met before.Listen please can we find my girlfriend she's in serious trouble"I said

"Were going to find her no matter what"The officer said

Dianne's POV

We drove through London.It was quite.I knew Anthony had my passport.He told me.Brittney was walking back to Joe's

"Dianne I'm going to tell you now were going to Portugal"Anthony said

"Why are we going to Portugal?"I asked

"So we can get married and have that sweet baby of yours"Anthony said

Anthony pullled up outisde the airport.

"Go inside the coffee shop and gets us a drink I need to make a call.Don't go anywhere"He said.

I go out the car.I took my pocket knife out and threw it in the bin.I had a plan.

Anthony walked outside and took his call.

I saw a women and a teenager talking.I walked over

"Excuse me ,I need you help"I said

"Yeah of course can we help you"The women said

"My names Dianne Buswell and I need you to call the police I' ve been kidnapped my ex Anthony Quinland and he's trying to take me to Portuagal and I don't want to go.Pleease help me"I said

"Ella get her a coffee .I'm calling the police"The women said taking out her phone

A few minutes later

"Hiya Bae listen our flights in 2 hours so lets get through security"Anthony said walking over my table

"I'm not going with you"I said

"What"He said sternly

"You heard her"The women said

"Okay listen love stay out of it alright"Anthony said

"I told you Anthony I'm not going with you"I said

Anthony grabbed me arm and began to pull me up

"Anthony Quinland"I heard someone say

We both looked over

"Anthony Quinland I'm arresting you for Human Trafficing and the attempted kidnaping of Dianne Buswell you do not have to say anything but it will harm your defense"An officer cuffed Anthony and he began trying to fight them as he was draged out of the airport.

"DIANE"I heard my name being yelled

I look over to see Joe stood in the doorway

"JOE"I yelled

I ran over to him and hug with tightly.He spins me around

I kiss him

"I thought I was never going to see you again"Joe said

"I didn't think you'd come back for me"I told him

"I will always find you Buswell no matter what"Joe told me

I'm safe now and so is my child and thats all that matters

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