Stepping It Up

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Dianne's Pov
Training Room
After Sunday's result show and Ashleys being in the dance off I decided I'm going to make this routine  difficult but not stress us out ...Too much.I'm not sure Joe's confident but I have a lot of hope. I was shocked Ashely was in the dance off.I mean she's amazing and the judges seem to love her.I mean if me and Joe are in Grames position on Saturday our Strictly journey is over.
This dance is very technical and very passionate.Joe is very tired because we were at the Baftas last night and I mean so am I.I scroll through me phone looking for the music.I look up to see Joe talking to himself.Going over the steps.I smiled to myself.To know Joe thought that an American Smooth was a coffee 13 weeks ago, It's incredible to see how far Joe's come.
I stand up and take my jacket off.

"Okay Joseph lets do this "I said
21:30 Pm
"Right thats it for today "I said to Joe turning off the music
"Okay let's sleep on this and work on this  tomorrow" Joe said walking over to me
"Yes boss" I said with a smile.I put my arms around his neck
"Everything's going to alright on Saturday. I promise "Joe said putting his arms around my waist
"I'll drive you home. Did you talk to your landlord "Joe said
"Yeah he said I can move in on Wednesday but I just have to pay this month's rent "I explained to Joe
He wraps his arms around my waist
At Dianne's Appartment
Me and Joe walked in.All the lights were off.I turned them on and everything was moved around.
"Katie must have moved some things"I said unsure
"Yeah she must be eager "Joe said looking around
"You wanna stay for a bit or do you wanna go home and rest" I ask Joe walking over to my kitchen.
"Yeah I'll stay for an hour or so" Joe said falling onto the sofa
"Want a Tea Suggy ?"I ask him with a smile.
"Yes please Miss Buswell"Joe says taking his shoes off.

We begun to talk about things and then Joe decided to go home as it's coming close to 11pm.
"Right see you tomorrow at 8am Buswell"Joe says hugging me.
"Don't be late I'll be at your's 8 sharp."I said kissing him
"Yes Miss."Joe said with a smile.
"See you "I said as Joe walked out the door.
"You going to be okay on your own "Joe asks
"Katie will be coming home at 11 she's helping her boyfriend pack because he's kind of moving in tomorrow "I said to Joe.
"Call me if you need me alright.Love you "he said kissing my lips
Joe leaves .I turn of the tv and go in the shower
I get into bed. I hear the door open.I look over to see Katie peering into my bedroom.
"Hey,Sorry if I woke you were moving a few boxes "Katie says
"Kay see you tomorrow "I said laying my head back down on the pillow .
Joe's Pov
Joe's house

As I begin to walk upstairs to bed.There's a knock at the door.I kind of hope it's Dianne.I walk to the door and open it. I see my ex standing there looking at the ground

"Hey Joe can we talk."She says

"Brittney listen I have a long day tomorrow. I up to my neck in work and I don't want to talk to you.I got over you the day I met Dianne .I can't do this right now" I say to her.She looks at me sadly

"Joe I may not be able to dance,or make you laugh or understand what you do for a living but I can promise to love you regardless. I promise you I regret ever cheating on you. I love you more than I will ever love anyone else."She says to me.

"I'm in love with Dianne,Brittney I could never forgive you for what you did to me.I know now that you would never love me like Dianne does. I told you back then and I'm telling you now I don't love you anymore.I love Dianne and that's how it's going to be"I said to her

"Joe wait "She says

I close the door and lock it.I walk upstairs and turn off the lights.
I'm glad I met Dianne. You could say she was the best thing to ever happen to me .

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