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As soon as you opened the door, you were tugged hard into a warm, lean body that you'll be able to recognize even its dark.

"Omphf! Hello to you too, Yoongi." You said as you put your arms around him, your nose nuzzling his neck.

And that's when you noticed that he smells rather different.. strong would be the word. Really strong to make you wrinkle your nose and wriggle out of his embrace.

"I mish yuuuu my pwincesssss" He said as he tightens his grip on you.

What on earth?

"Didn't you mish me twoooo?"

"Uhh.. Yoongi?"

"Hmm? You're so soooft Pwincess, my Pwincess." He said as he snuggled you into his body even more making it harder for you to breathe.

Hold up. Did he.. is he implying that I'm fat?! Oh just you wait til you're sober mister

Breathing deeply to calm your nerves, you gently push yourself away from his embrace "How much did you drink Yoongi?"

Why the hell did you drink?

"Hmmm. Not so much. Just a wiiiittle."

"Just a wittle?"

"Mhmm. I'll show you instwead."

The next thing you know he's carrying you towards the space that was once a living room.


Because now the soft sofa that you enjoyed sitting and laying on was cut into pieces, the lavish curtains were shredded, the humongous tv looked like it exploded, the vintage coffee table was dismantled and in the midst of the chaos was bottles.. bottles and bottles of soju that you can't even count entirely how many they are. 2 dozens? Three?

And this is "just a wittle" for him??

The only decent thing that wasn't broken was the chandelier.

You're starting to see red as you asked Yoongi to bring you down, which he reluctantly did.

Calm down. He's drunk.

"What the freaking hell happened here Min Yoongi?"

As if sensing your possibility to burst out, or maybe he just saw how your eyes harden and your face flamed; he stepped back a little. Then bowed his head down while fidgeting his fingers.

Why am I getting mad again?

"Uhm. My fwingers slwipped.."

"Your fingers what?" Your voice getting an octave higher

"Slwipped." He whispered

You would've squeaked at how he looks like a guilty little meow meow now, if only.. he didn't trashed the whole room. And didn't drink this much.

"I-is Pwincess angwy at Y-yoongi?" He whispered with such vulnerability in his voice, making your heart soften a bit.

Not answering his question you asked "I thought Yoongi hasn't had dinner yet?"

"Mhmm. Yoongi was waiting for Pwincess." He said as he step closer

"While drinking?"

"Mhmm. I was bowed and Pwincess was out with that man while I'm here awone."

Damn it

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Damn it..

Your anger was slowly leaving your body and was gone as he reached you, he grabbed your hands and looked at your eyes directly.

"I'm sowwy, don't get mad at me pwease? I was just weally weally sad.. and a wittle mad. forgive me Pwincess, pwease?"

"Mad?" You asked as you held the side of his face

"At him.. not you. for what he did before.." he suddenly wasn't slurring anymore, his voice suddenly sounded sober.

Now that he opened the topic, you can't help but grab the opportunity to know what really happened between the two.

"What exactly did he do?" Your voice softening even more.

There was a few minute of silence that you thought he won't be giving in. And you wouldn't force him to if he's not ready to answer.

"Remember the man who saved me when I was deemed as the one who massacred the people in the palace?"

Your throat dried at that. Your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

No.. it won't be.. it won't be it, right?

Not trusting your voice, you just nodded your head.


Utter. Complete silence that you felt every beat of your heart. You heard every breath that you and Yoongi take.

"It was him. It was Kim Namjoon."

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Greetings chinggus! It's been awhiiile. Forgive me for not updating for so long hmm? Work was very demanding for the past weeks that I haven't even watched ep 6 of Bon Voyage and Taehyung & Hobi's vlive 😭

But now that I have a little breather, a mini vacation, I'll do my best to update more.

Thank you for continuing to support this book. Hope you're all having a great day, week, month, year!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Cataclysm: Book II of Catastrophe | MYG x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now