Learn the Alphabet with the Avengers (Mostly Peter)

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A is for "Avengers, assemble!"

B is for "Bye, Mr. Criminal!"

C is for "Can't you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?"

D is for "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

E is for "Eight years without any troubles from those bozos over at Stark Tower, and then this little bastard in red tights shows up..."

F is for "Forget everything you think you know."

G is for "Get this man a shield."

H is for "He's a friend from work!"

I is for "I don't want to go."

J is for "Just don't do anything I WOULD do."

K is for "KNEEL!"

L is for "Language!"

M is for "Mr. StArK"

N is for "Nick Fury"

O is for "Okay, I'm going to get closer to see what's happening."

P is for "Peter's not going to nationals."

Q is for "Quit moving forward!"

R for "Remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

S is for "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut."

T is for "That man is playing Galaga!"

U is for "Underoos!"

V is for "Viz?"

W is for "Who the hell is Bucky?"

X is for "Xandar"

Y is for "You didn't see that coming?"

Z is for "Zip it"

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