On The Ceiling

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The rouge avengers had been pardoned for two weeks now and Tony had somehow managed to keep them away from Peter. But all good things come to an end. The Avengers were introduced to Peter in the weirdest way possible. They were all in the conference room, debriefing after a mission. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Peter opened the door and walked in playing on his phone. The weird thing was that he was on the ceiling. "Hey, Mr. Stark! FRIDAY said you were here. I need help with-"

Tony cut Peter off by shouting "PETER!"

Peter fell onto the floor. "Oh my god I thought I was on the floor," he said.

"Who is this?" Steve asked.

"Fuck," Tony muttered.

"Hello, Mr. Rogers. I'm Spider-Man. You mess with Mr. Stark you mess with me." he said. And then he walked away.

"Welp, imma go." Tony said.

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