Nov 3

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I went to a conference today, it was really good. It was about how we need to have a personal relationship with God, and live for Him in everything we do. Makes me think of Tamarack, one or two years ago the theme was "Live for Him" I actually wore my tshirt from then today! I'm getting off track.

Sometimes we think that we have to set time apart for God, and go to church on Sundays to learn more about Him. That is definitely true, but we sometimes think that those are the only times we should live for Christ. That is so wrong! We must always live for Him!!! During school and work too, we mustn't separate different aspects of our life, like school, work, church and social life and say, "I'll live for God at school because I go to a Christian school", or "I'll act like a Christian with my friends because they are all Christians." No!! We must always live as a Christians, for God!!!

Another point that came out was neutral things like technology, especially cellphones. They can be used for good and for evil, and you can do things with them that aren't necessarily bad, but aren't going to help you grow in your walk with God. I sometimes waste time surfing the web or watching mindless YouTube videos. Those things don't help me in my walk with God and it has been really nice taking a break from internet. What I'm doing now, sharing this kind of stuff and letting complete strangers see into my devotion time and my intimate conversations with God, that is edifying for me and you! On that note, please don't just read what I write and say, "ok, I've done my devotions for the day, I'm good." Please make your own notes about what you think God is saying to you in whatever passage I put here. Make sure you pray about whatever you learned and whatever your family, friends and you are going through. Thank God for how He has specifically blessed you lately. If you want, you could comment these things, or you could write them in a notebook, or whatever works for you. Did you know that you can lock notes on Apple devices? I have my prayer journal in a locked note so only God and I know what is all in it.

I sincerely hope this is a blessing to you. I always pray for everyone reading this and pretty much everyone I've met on Wattpad. I may have forgotten what exactly some of you have asked me to pray specifically for, but I still pray for you.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so for everything You have done for us. Thank You especially for the amazing yps groups in Ontario. Thank you for everything I learned at the conference today. Thank you for the new friends I have made and the old friends I have gotten closer to. Father please use me however You want. Please use all of Your children, please make it clear to those who do not know yet, what Your will for them is. Please remind us when we need, that You can use us anywhere we are, even where we are right now. Thank you for everyone in my prayer journal, You alone know everything about them. Please bless and keep them, in Jesus's name, Amen

Daily Bible Reading and Prayer, KJV, May 10-Nov 9, 2018, Acts to Hebrews Where stories live. Discover now