The Finale

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Newt and I pulled away to see a man with  short red hair pointing a black pistol at Jorge, Brenda, and Tony.

"Somebody answer me!" he shouted.

Thomas rushed out, "They helped us get through the city - we wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

"And one protected me from the hallucinations you guys created," I sneered. I get it wasn't this guy, but he's still working with Ratman and WICKED.

The guy snapped his head towards us. "You...picked them up along the way?"

"Yes," We answered.

Thomas continued. "We made a deal with them. Promised to get the cure, too. We still have fewer people than we started with."

"Actually, I'm here to protect her," Tony sneered at the guy as he pointed to me. "I don't care about the cure, I'm already messed up in the head as it is." Jorge shushed Tony, not liking how this is turning out.

"Doesn't matter," the guy said. "We didn't say you could bring citizens!"

The Berg continued to fly higher, but the cargo doors didn't close. Wind kept whipped through the hold. Some of the groups were scooting further away, afraid to fall out.

I glared at the guy. "If it wasn't for them we could be dead." I got up and stalked towards him. "If anything I should be kicking you ass, shank."

Newt and Minho got up and grabbed me. I didn't fight back. WICKED's pissed at me. Ok, let me make them even madder.

Thomas got up and brought the attention towards him. "You told us to come here, and we did what we had to do!"

The man sighed. "Sometimes I forget how little you people understand what's going on. Fine, you can keep one of 'em. The other two goes." Ooh, this time I tried not to reach out and swing my bat across this guy's skull.

"What do you mean the other two go?" I asked.

The guy clicked his gun before pointing it towards Brenda's head. "We don't have time for this! You have five seconds to choose the one that stays. Don't choose and they all die. One."

"Wait!" Thomas yelled. I looked at the three. Brenda and Jorge were looking at the ground, neither saying anything. Their faces paled with fear. Tony was glaring at the man, but didn't say anything.


Thomas and I exchanged a glance. I nodded at him, knowing what I need to do. I just have to wait.

"Three!" No one made a move. "Four!" The man's face reddened. "Choose right now or they all die!"

Thomas took a step forward and pointed at Brenda. "Kill her."

The man jammed his gun into the waistband of his pants, then he reached down and grabbed Brenda's shirt with two hands, yanked her off her feet. He moved towards the open cargo door. Brenda looked at Thomas with panicked eyes. The man dragged her towards the open hatch.

That's when I made my move. I broke free from Newt and Minho's hold and tackled the man to the ground, his gun clattering on the ground next to him. Teresa reached forward and and grabbed Brenda before she could fall to her side. The man was about to get up, but I brought my fist and collided it with his nose. Thomas ran over and grabbed the gun as I pulled the guy up and twisted his arm around before pinning it behind his back. Thomas pointed the pistol at the man.

"No one else dies," Thomas said. "If we haven't done enough to pass your stupid tests, then we fail. The test are over."

To my surprise, the man started laughing. Thomas and I exchanged a confused look. There was a whirling sound and we looked to see the cargo door closing. No one said anything until the doors were finally shut.

"My name's David," the man said through gritted teeth. "And don't worry, you're right. It's over. It's all over." He slowly looked towards me. "Now, if you could be so kind..."

I pursed my lips before twisting his arm harder. "Yeah, right. We've heard that before."

Thomas nodded. "This time we mean it. We're not going to sit back and let you treat us like rats anymore. We're done."

David looked around the room. He slowly nodded, seeing that we're all going to back Thomas up on this. Thomas nodded at me. I pushed the guy to the ground, releasing him. David grunted as he landed on the floor. He looked up at us before he slowly stood.

"What you don't understand is that everything has gone and will continue to go as planned. But you're right, the Trials are complete. We're taking you to a place of safety - a real place of safety. No more tests, no more lies, no more setups. No more pretending."

He paused.

"I can only promise one thing. When you hear why we've put you through this, and why it's so important that so many of you survived, you'll understand. I promise you'll understand."

Minho snorted. "That's the biggest bunch of klunk I've ever heard in my life." I agree.

Thomas didn't lower the gun. "And what about the cure? We were promised. For us and the three who helped us get here. How can we believe anything you tell us?"

"Think what you want for now," David said. "Things will change from here out, and you'll get the cure, just like you were told. As soon as we get back to headquarters. You can keep that gun, by the way - we'll even give you some more, if you'd like. There'll be nothing else for you to fight against, no tests or trails to ignore or refuse. Our Berg will land, you'll see that you're safe and cured, and then you can do what you want. The only thing we'll ever ask you to do again is to listen. Only to listen. I'm sure you're at least intrigue by what's behind all of this?"

"No more games," Thomas answered as calmly as possible. The way he was gripping the gun shows that he wanted to scream or do something to David.

"First sign of trouble," Minho added, "we start fighting. If that means we die, then so be it."

David smiled. "You know, that's exactly what we predicted you'd do at this point." He motioned with his good arm towards a small door at the back of the cargo hold. "Shall we?"

Newt spoke up this time. "What's next on the bloody agenda?"

"Just thought you'd like to eat something, maybe take a shower. Sleep." He started walking around us. "It's a very long flight."

Aris was the first one who spoke up. "I'll shower if Danielle joins me." The Gladers and the girls gave Aris a glare. Tony rolled his eyes before roughly pushing Aris towards the wall.

Newt shook his head before gripping my hand and we followed David.


I never thought I'd be thankful for a hot shower. The moment the hot water hit my skin, my muscles finally relaxed. Hot food. Cold drinks. Medical attention. Fresh clothes. I finally felt a little better, but that doesn't mean my guards down. I feel like we're going to wake back up in the Maze once we close our eyes. But I couldn't help but feel so tired.

I walked into the main room and immediately spotted Newt on the ground. I huge smile spread to my face as I walked over.

"Hey," I greeted as I slid next to him. His hair was still a bit wet from his shower, but it looked good. "How you feeling?"

Newt yawned. "A bit better."

I nodded. "Yeah, I've never felt so clean in my life."

Newt wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I leaned up and kissed his cheek before scooting closer. I reached up and wrapped my hand around his.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I started tiredly.

"No," Newt joked. "But I don't mind hearing it a few times."

I chuckled as I felt my eyes droop. "I love you, Newt."

"I love you, too, Danny."

Newt's head laid on top of mine. I could feel his breath hitting my face as he slowly passed out. I smiled before kissing his hand and let sleep take over.


A/N: There we have it the final chapter of Subject A3. Be ready for Always and Forever!!!!!

Subject A3: The Carrier 》Scorch Trials (TMR)Where stories live. Discover now