Part 2 of the Emails

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May 23rd 2017- Montana


Hi, Brian asked me to write you. Said you could use a pal cause you did not have one. You do now. That is if your OK with it. I could use another friend to be honest. I don't make them that easy. I will keep this one short because I don't really know what to talk about. I'll tell you a little about me.

My name is Harmony Ann Rae. I was born in Billings Montana and raised not far from it. I am 19. Don't even say it. I know I'm young. I get that all the time. I am sole owner of A cherry on top bakery. Its my baby. I'll tell you more about that another time. I have no family other them Brian and Momma C. She was my moms best friend. I love to hunt and fish. Camp but don't like cold showers. I am not a girls girl. I can dress up but don't often. Prefer Brian's old shirts and jeans. I like to collect aprons. I have a few funny ones. I also have a thing for Lingerie. Blaming that on Brian. I love to cook and bake. Baking is my out, that and running but in Montana I don't get a lot of that. The treadmill is not the same thing but use them If I have to. I have never traveled out side of Montana. Don't see the need to at the moment. Everything I love is here other then a certain Marine that is in a bunk near you. That's enough about me. Hugs. Btw I'm a hugger.

                                                                  Your new maybe friend?

                                                                        Harmony Aka Harm

P.s. What do you want sent in the next box? Gotta have a special treat.

Sends a picture of herself and Momma C covered in flour, a full case of baked goods in the back grounds, a funny apron on them both.

May 29th 2017 Iraq


Thanks for the email. Brian asked me about writing you and honestly I was not so sure but after reading your message I figured why not. He is a good man. I am also not good with people at times. I don't have family other then my Marine corp family. Don't get me wrong there amazing but I think it would be nice to write to someone out side the corp. Someone state side. I don't know what to say honestly. So here goes.

My name is Calvin Seth Markson. I was born in Ohio and spent the first 18 years of my life there. On my 18th birthday I left for boot camp. After that I never went back. I have nothing there. I am 34 years old. I have traveled but all for military purposes. Ohh I forgot. I do have four buddies err business partners. I did not forget about them. Just forget sometimes there not all Marines. One was in the air force and one in the Navy. He is seaman. I pick on him about it but that's for another time. Anyways I live the Corp. Its my life. When there is no reason to go back to a place I called hmm cant say I called it home either. I'm more of a nomad of sorts. I go where the corp sends me. I don't remember the last email I wrote that was not work related. I like to wear my fatigues. Another thing to think about. I don't have anything to wear other then my soldier stuff. I guess I have no life outside the corp. Don't ask me to bake or help in the kitchen. Something will end up on fire. I can cook a mean piece of bacon and know a microwave pretty well. Can peel potatoes like no ones business due to that being my foster parents favorite chore for me. I don't want you to think the corp is bad. At all. It saved me from a life of bad shit. I was doing some stuff I should not and they turned me into a man. So I hope that gives you an idea of who I am. Feel free to ask me anything. I will do my best to answer with honesty. Many well wishes. Now this Marine need to shower and eat. Brian shared his cookies with me. The lemon shortbread. They were divine. Anything lemon is my thing. I don't know why other then its bright. A lot of the food we get here is dull. Thank you for the email and cookies. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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