Tumblr girl

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I feel so hurt, so abused, so mistreated, so betrayed by my own mother. How could she leave me? Why would she do that to me. I'm all alone stuck with my herion addicted aunt she is literally addicted to herion, disgusting. My mom left me to be with a man, a man that can't promise her shit he literally is so fucking abusive he does nothing but drinks all day but my mother finds that attractive after my father died from cancer she moved on to him;Jean Andrews a typical white man.

My mother never used to be like this she used to be such a caring woman; she used to care about me. Things just went down hill when my dad died I miss him with every bone in my body I cry myself to sleep that's the only way I can sleep is if I cry. If you are wondering my name is Ariana Marie Morris, I'm 17 currently in 11th grade I have two friends Jade Jennings and Gina Martinez they are absolutely amazing and they have been there for me through my ups and downs at all times no matter what I appreciate them more than they would ever know.

I lazily get myself out of my bed grabbing a pair of blue jeans with a normal black tee. I throw my hair up into a messy bun then throwing on my converse I guess you could say I'm you're normal Tumblr girl.

Kylie Jenner plays Ariana Morris

When I'm finished getting ready I grab my phone then I run down the steps I go to the living room to see my aunt injecting herion into her system I cringe at the sight grabbing my car keys walking out the ran down house

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When I'm finished getting ready I grab my phone then I run down the steps I go to the living room to see my aunt injecting herion into her system I cringe at the sight grabbing my car keys walking out the ran down house. I drive to school pulling up to the parking lot then getting out my car locking the doors. I walk into the school going to the locker banks.

I grab my books shutting my locker as soon as I turn around I see my two silly friends running my way "Hey bitch" Gina wraps her long arms around my neck I laugh pulling her arms off of me "Hello Satan" she scoffs folding her arm over her chest "Are you coming to Adriana's party tonight" Jade wiggles her eyebrow at me I bite my lip, of course I don't want to go but they are gonna make me go this sucks because they know I'm not the party type I'm the good kid that stays up till two in the morning waiting for her drunk best friends to call her saying I need a ride.

As much as I tell them that I'd rather stay home and study they will force me to go so really they ask me if I want to go but my choice doesn't count "I don't want to" they look at each other then roll their eyes "You don't have a choice" Jade snickers I sigh "Then why did you ask me?" Gina laughs "We wanted to see what you were gonna say, obviously but you know you're choice doesn't count" Gina puts her arm on jades shoulder "Plus Justin will be there" oh how great my ex that I just happen to still have feelings for even if he took my virginity for granted and cheated on me after raping me.

Sounds bad I know but I still can't help my self from liking his stupid drop dead gorgeous face. Justin was my first boyfriend it all started last year when I had to help him on his math test we became friends then more than that and he told me he loved me he made me feel loved but that was just some stupid line he used to get in my pants that night, I told him no but he proceeded to go on saying 'It will feel good baby I swear just let you're mind wander off' yuh see that was all a lie because that hurt like hell after he left I cried all night I felt stupid because I let him take my virginity even though I said no I didn't try fighting back my body couldn't react to anything after he laid me down.

I look between the two brunettes standing in front of me "Fine I'll go but this is only because Justin will be there" I point my finger to them they jump in excitement "You know you're going because you love us" Jade says with a wide smile I smile back "That to" I say walking away from them tonight should be interesting.

Hey this is my new book red room I'm so excited for this book I hope you guys are too.

Love Faith

Instagram graysexx


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