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I look at Christopher waiting for him to speak "What happened to her?" He asks I look down at the ground not wanting to answer his question "Well, nothing" I simply lie "She went in and did her job" he grins nodding his head at one of the men "Here" his deep voice calls handing me a big bag "10,000. 5,000 each" he says then proceeds to do his work at his desk "Take a week off, get to know the girl would you" I nod walking out.

What am I supposed to do? Take her on a date or something, she is so innocent I don't want to take to much of her innocence away from her. I feel like she is easy to fall for, but I don't want to fall for her I'd rather her fall for me so I can tease her.

I sigh putting my clothes in the drawer, I hear a small knock on the door making me turn my head "Come in" I say turning back towards my dresser "We have off" Grayson's deep voice breaks the silence "That's nice" I shrug not affected by it "Here" he sets a bag on my bed "Is that money?" I ask him "Yes, it is your pay. Boss said thank you for doing your job correctly" I smile lightly shutting my drawer "Could you do me a favor?" I ask hoping he would but knowing him he will say no.

He seems hesitant about his decision but then nods "Yeah what's up?" He asks, I play with my fingers but then I look up breaking the awkwardness "Could you take the money, buy me some stuff?" He raises a brow looking at the money then clears his throat "Like what?" I look down "Well before I was brought into this about 1 month ago I was at home, I would draw I love drawing very much. Could you buy me some drawing things?" He shrugs grabbing the money "Yeah why not, we could go out tomorrow buy you some clothes" he goes over to the door ready to walk out.

"I'm taking you to dinner, not tonight not tomorrow but the next day. Could you clean up the kitchen? So when I get back I could cook for you" I feel my heart race why is he being so nice "Yes, I could" he sends me a cute soft smile before walking out. I run down stairs after I hear him leave, I grab some soap starting off with the dishes.


I pull into the driveway getting out then locking my car up. I walk in the house with all the bags in my hands, I go to the kitchen to see Ariana on the floor with a rag scrubbing it. I softly chuckle setting all the bags on the island counter "You could've used the mop yuh know" she looks back, her cheeks turn red "I couldn't find it, and you told me not to look around in your house" I raise a brow she actually remembers that night I totally forgot about it until now when she brought it up.

I grab her waist pulling her up to her feet "You didn't have to clean the floor if you couldn't find the mop" I look down at her small figure she shrugs "I'm gonna put this in the laundry room" she walks out the kitchen. I take all the food I got out of bags putting it all away, I set the stuff I got her for drawing to the side. I grab the chicken I got putting it under warm water so it would un thaw its self out completely.

I turn around to see Ariana putting her long dark hair up in a bun "Sorry I took a bit long, I decided to clean myself up a bit" I shrug not even noticing she was gone for about twenty minutes "I'm making chicken Alfredo" she smiles walking over to me "I love chicken Alfredo" I nod pulling the noodles out the cabinet along with the sauce "You're art stuff is over there" I point into the living room she grins running in the living room I chuckle at her.

I pull a knife out opening the chicken beginning to cut it up into small pieces.

I walk back to the kitchen with a bright smile on my face "Thank you Grayson" he turns around nodding "No problem, I'll give you your money when I'm done co-" I cut him off "Just hold onto it, could you?" He nods setting the knife down walking over to me "I could" he lifts my chin up "I'm sorry for being mean to you" I furrow my eyebrows looking down "It's fine, I understand your job is important to you. Don't let me get in the way of that" he rubs my cheek with the pad of his thumb "Let's do something to cheer us up" he walks over to the cabinets opening it then opening the safe that sits inside.

He pulls out a bag of weed with a shell, I shake my head violently "I don't smoke" he laughs pulling the weed out the bag "Well, you start today" he throws me the shell "Break it" I look down at the shell confused "H-how?" I stutter clearly embarrassed, he finishes breaking up the weed then he nods his head towards the shell "Lemme see it" I slide the shell over to him watching his every move "You just break it in half" he shrugs breaking it then placing the weed inside of the shell.

He places his lips on the shell putting it together "You just take this piece sort of slide this under the weed then you get it a bit wet with your tongue and your done" he explains walking me through the steps a/n sorry I suck at explaining how to roll weed lol, I smoke a lot I know how to do it i just can't exactly walk you though the steps over typing.

He takes a lighter out his jeans lighting it up then running the fire across the blunt slowly. He puts the blunt to his lips lights it then inhales it. He looks so attractive as he blows the smoke out his mouth, he takes a few hits then gets up walking over to the counter. He puts the chicken in a pan then starts to season it, he takes a few more hits then passes it to me. I look up at him not knowing what exactly to do "Put it to your lips" I do as he says putting the blunt between my lips.

He nods telling me to inhale it "Just go with the flow princess" I hit it a few more times before blowing the smoke out my nose "It doesn't seem like this is your first time smoking" he says hitting it "I'm innocent, but I'm just now realizing how innocent I actually am since I've met you" he walks over to me hitting it then blowing the smoke in my face "I'm gonna give you a shot gun" I nod even though I don't know what the hell a shotgun is.

He puts the blunt between my lips then puts the lit end between his lips "I'm gonna hit it then blow the smoke in your mouth just inhale" I nod waiting for him to do so. He hits it then blows the smoke in my mouth, I inhale it then he backs away smirking "That was hot" I simply say with the blunt in my hand "Hm" he grabs my thighs lifting me up on the counter "Where is this going?" I whisper he grabs my face slowly inching closer to me.

His breath touches my lips making me nervous, I set the blunt in the ashtray on the counter then I grab his neck pulling his lips against mine. His lips are soft like a new chapstick, the taste is a mixture of mint and chocolate. Our lips move in sync slowly as he rubs my thighs squeezing them every other second. I wrap my arms loosely around his neck pulling his body closer to me. He stays between my legs resting his hands on my waist lazily. He slides his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance which I kindly accept letting his tongue press against mine.

He pulls away from the kiss bringing his lips to my neck "Mm" A small pleasing moan falls past my lips, I bring my hands to his hair tugging at then ends of his brown locks making him groan in frustration as he kisses my neck leaving small marks. I wrap my legs around his lower abdomen as he is about to slide his hand up my shirt the smoke detector starts to beep loudly. Grayson moves his body from mine quickly grabbing the broom hitting the detector with it.

He walks over to the window above the sink opening it with a sigh "Damn it" he puts his hands on his hips, he starts to go back to cooking turning down the stove so the chicken doesn't burn. I hop down off the counter grabbing the blunt going over to Grayson sliding my hand in his pocket grabbing his lighter "I'm sorry" he says as I light the blunt taking a big hit "About what?" I ask he looks back at me " I'm sorry for kissing you" I shrug not regretting it, obviously he regrets it which kinda hurts.

He finishes the chicken then puts it on a plate setting the pan in the sink putting water in it. He looks at me folding his arms "I don't want you getting caught up with me" he licks his lips putting them in a straight line "So do me a favor, would you?" I nod unaware of what he is talking about but I just go along with it "Just don't- don't fall for me" I furrow my eyebrows at him, look obviously he's good looking but why would I fall for him "I won't" I promise he nods with a smile.

Well, that's their first kiss..

Love Faith.

Instagram graysexx

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