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He stops at a bank looking over at me my eyes widen "What are we doing here?" I ask he smirks "You're doing a drug deal" I shake my head swallowing my spit "At a bank?! I will get caught" he chuckles sitting up turning the car off "Listen princess this is money right here so get your ass out this car and go do the damn deal" I feel my body tense up "There should be a man at the front desk just say Christopher and he will understand" he says going to the back grabbing a black bag going through it he pulls out a gun making my jaw drop.

He points it towards me "Take it" I take my hand placing it on the gun "Stick it in your jeans" I do as he says "Don't pull it out unless you have to" I nod "Don't fuck this up cause then I'm gonna have to fuck you up" he growls I get out the car looking back at him one more time; I have anxiety so bad right now. I walk in the bank the officer at the front nods his head at me, I walk over to the desk where the man sits at "Christopher" my shaky voice comes out low he grins grabbing my arm pulling me to a empty room "Alright let's see what we got" he leans his back against the door I pull out all the coke that my body is holding handing it to him.

He counts the packages then looks up at me "I like you, you are the one I'll be waiting for from now on" he says with a smirk handing me a bag filled with money "Go out the back" he says pointing to the back doors that no one stands by I nod with a nervous smile walking out I quickly get back in the car throwing the bag at wing man "I hate this" I groan "Welp you better get used to it" he starts the car "What did he say?" He asks I ignore him I don't want to talk to anyone I want to go home I want to see my friends I miss my bed I miss my life.

I look over at wing man his eyes are focused on the road his jaw clenched "Can I see my friends?" I ask he looks over at me then back to the road "Can you behave?" I snicker at him why does he treat me like I'm five "I'm not five I'm seventeen" he laughs I feel a small smile grow on my lips his laugh is so cute "I know your age princess" I furrow my eyebrows "How?" He pulls up in front of a house but not any house Gina's "How did you know where she lives?" He puts the car in park "I know everything about you that I need to know" he gets out shutting the door coming around grabbing my arm taking me to the door.

I knock a few times until the door opens showing me Gina, she gasps putting her hand over her mouth. She grabs me pulling me in her arms "Oh my god ari where have you been" she whispers I squeeze her body missing this feeling the feeling of being around my friends; feeling comfortable. She rubs my back letting me go then looking at wing man up and down "Who is this?" Her eyes wander all over his body "None of you're concern" he says rudely Gina looks at me confused "This is my boyfriend" I help him out if she finds out that he just took me then he would be screwed she would call the police then something would happen so I think covering his ass right now was best.

He looks down at me "Ariana Morris, you have a boyfriend!" She swirls pulling me inside the house wing man comes in as well shutting the door behind him "He's hot" she whispers I look back at him, I know he's hot but he is so mean "I know" I smile at her it feels like it's been so long since I've seen her but in reality it's only been like a day or two "What's his name?" She asks he awkwardly sits down sitting back, what is his name I don't know what the hell his name is he hasn't told me he is so damn mysterious.

I look at him trying to think of a name that could fit him he smirks at me then looks down to his jeans "Greg" I say she looks at me with wide eyes wing man begins to laugh hysterically "I find my name funny" he says holding his stomach, his laugh makes me soft "So Greg, what are your intentions with my bestfriend"His face goes blank it takes him a second to think cause obviously his actual intentions are to sell drugs "I just want to love her" he shrugs but cringes slightly like he doesn't like the word love "I just want her to be happy" Gina looks over at me with a happy face she seems so excited "And you thought that Justin was good for you".

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