We arent friends

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I finish getting dressed then I walk to the guest room that Ariana stays in. I knock before opening the door. She looks over at me rolling her eyes, she knows that I hate when she does that but that will never stop her she doesn't know when to stop. I pay attention to her moves she has her back facing me since she is in her dresser looking for clothes. I walk over to her pressing my body to hers, I can feel the little tingle that is going up her spine "What did I say about rolling you're eyes at me ari?" I grab the back of her neck pushing her body down so she is bent over.

I push myself against her wanting her to feel what I could give her if I really wanted to "Stop rolling your damn eyes at me princess" I whisper in her ear making her body shiver, I let her go stepping back. I fold my arms over my chest "What are we doing today?" She turns around with jeans and a red shirt in her hands I grin "Well, we have a little drug deal" I wink walking over to the exit of the room "Get dressed, choose a different shirt" she goes to speak but I cut her off "Don't ever wear red around me" I gritt my teeth together before walking out of her room.

I grab my car keys walking out of my house going to my car. My phone begins to ring in my pocket I grab it seeing my brothers contact.

"Yo" I say turning the radio down "Boss, really needs that money. Don't send Ariana in there alone. Jared will be in there" I feel my blood rush to my hands, Jared huh I've always hated him. He is a horrible person he rapes women for money that's his job. He happens to be in the gang that we are giving the drugs to I'm gonna go in with Ariana but we would have to split up, I have to go talk to Randal the leader of the gang she would have to go to his members to sell the drugs "I gotchu don't worry, I'll talk to you later love you bro"

I hang up looking over to the door to see Ariana walking out "I see you listened" she puts her seat belt on ignoring me "Here" I throw her a gun she looks down at her lap then she looks up at me "I'm not doing that again" she says lowly I chuckle evilly shaking my head "Do me a favor stop telling me what you are gonna do and do what the fuck I tell you to do" I start the engine of my car pulling out of my driveway.

I look over at Ariana who has a uneasy look on her face. It's currently night time, that's the only time we work besides that we stay in the house all day waiting for boss to tell us what we got to do. She bites her lip then looks over at me "Could we ever just, talk" I keep my eyes on the road tightening my grip on the wheel "Ariana we aren't friends, we are partners" I hate to break it to her but my job comes before her "Could we be friends, please" she practically begs "We could get fucked up together" she smiles imagining what fun it would be.

I usually only drink when I'm stressed, I haven't really had time lately to just have fun. Fuck I haven't had sex since summer, I'm really gonna feel bad for the next girl that ends up in my bed, she really is going to get fucked up. I look back over to Ariana who is just a looking at me waiting for a answer "No we couldn't" I pull up to the building that we are going into. We both walk up to the building slowly I grab Ariana wrapping my arms around her body "Be careful, watch your back at all times. When we split up keep your gun close by, this job isn't a joke" I hit the buzzer waiting for the doors to open.

As soon as they open I look over to Ariana "If you fuck this up I have to deal with the consequences, so just watch what you are doing" she nods with a scared look applied to her beautiful face "Meet me here when you are done" she nods yet again squeezing my arm "Go make me proud" I pull her hand off me walking a different direction from here. I knock on the door waiting for him to answer. The door swings open to Randal with a smirk "Didn't think you had the balls to actually show up here" I snicker at his comment "I'm here to do business, not fuck you" he bites his red nail "I know you like red baby" I cringe shoving my hands in my leather coat.

Red room-G.D.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon