Worth it

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I wake up looking around, I'm still in Ethans living room. I get up from the couch walking up the small set of stairs, Ethan has a nice house. Graysons is much bigger though, I stop at the top of the landing looking around. I'm not sure what room is the bathroom, I open the first door near the landing of the stairs "Morning to you too" Ethan says walking out of the bathroom "I'm sorry, I could find the bat-" he cuts me off putting a shirt on "Its fine, you should get dressed. We can go get some breakfast before we get to work" I nod "The bathroom is the door down the hall" he says I nod walking out shutting the door behind me.

He pulls up to a diner putting the car in park, I look over at him with a light smile "You coming?" He says before getting out the car, I giggle slightly "No why would I?" My sarcasm come out of my words, I follow him into the diner. A lady walks up to us with menus in her hands, she hands us two of them leading us to a table in the back. It is dark in here, there are old fashioned lights hanging from the ceiling. Light pink roses painted the walls. Ethan sets his menu down looking at me "Its so pretty here" I state Ethan nods "They recently updated it a bit, I use to come here all the time with my ex samantha" he scoffs rolling his eyes, I shake my head "Gotta love your ex'es" he laughs taking a drink of the water in front of him "What do you know about having a ex, your still a kid" I roll my eyes folding my hands on the table "I've been in a relationship before, age has nothing to do with wanting someone" I look down to my hands, and now that I think about it I wanted justin so badly. He had such a tight hold on me, I never realized how bad he actually was for me. He mentally abused me, but I thought I loved him and he had me wrapped around his finger.

He knew all the right things to say, he always made me feel great. A few months into the relationship he started to want more than just make out sessions, I didn't want that though. Yet again he knew what to say to make me give in, but even when I did give in I still did not want to have sex with him. It hurt, because my mouth was telling him yes but my body was telling him no. It was awful, losing my virginity in such a harsh way on my body. Ethan sets his cup down licking his lips "It was a toxic relationship but I'm over it" I slouch in the chair, Ethan grabs my hand from across the table "Are you okay?" I nod taking my hand from his, even if grayson doesn't love me in any sort of way I have feelings for him. I slept with him, I would never betray him by sleeping with his brother.

"I'm just thinking about everything, but I'm fine" he sits back "Don't over think things, that just adds more stress to your body" I laugh lightly trying to lighten the mood, he sits back in his chair folding his arms over his chest "Who was it?" He asks my eyes widen "Uh his name was justin" he nods "Was he bad at sex or something" he laughs lightly "Ha no, uh why did you ask that?" I ask awkwardly "Because you said you broke up with him, things didn't go well. Was he bad at sex is that why you left him" he says I furrow my eyebrows "It was a joke forget it" he puts his lips in a straight line I nod looking down.

The waiter comes over to us with a small notepad and a pen "What can I get for you guys?" I look up at her speaking "I would like a salad, with country fried steak and mashed potatoes" she writes it down looking to Ethan "What can I get you?" He takes his tongue across his teeth looking up at me, I feel a pit grow in my stomach "I'll take some chicken noodle soup, with a salad on the side" he speaks she nods taking the menus then walking off "So Grayson actually had you?" I look over to him narrowing my eyes "Had me?" I sit up straight looking at him intensely "He has been between your legs?" I feel my heart drop to my ass, did he really jus- I cough a little bit putting my hand on my chest, he raises a brow biting down on his lip lightly "Uh- Ye- e-s" I stutter out he nods looking to his left, he takes his hand bringing it to his hair running his fingers through it.

He looks back to me biting the inside of his cheek "You gonna let me between those legs too?" His tongue breaks his lips apart, my cheeks begin to heat up. I look down at my hands playing with them, I cannot respond to that. He leans forward "We don't have to have sex babygirl, I just want to taste you" he whispers a pit forms in my stomach, I look up at him gulping. He smirks "I bet you taste great, and I would be upset if only grayson had some. At least give me a chance, I bet I can make you cum in five minutes" my heart beat speeds up, I take a deep breath "Don't act to cocky, what makes you so sure that you can do something like that" he grins leaning in closer to me "Because my tongue will take every bit of that attitude out of you princess" I lick my lips, the pit in my stomach getting larger by the minute like butterflies forming "Etha-" he cuts me off "What grayson doesnt know cant hurt him" I widen my eyes "Let me make you feel good, grayson isn't here to do it. It wouldn't be cheating cause you guys are not together" he says folding his hands.

I bite my lip hard, a heart beat pumping through my whole lower lip. I nod "One time, grayson does not know. And if he finds out I might just cut your tongue off" I warn he laughs "It will be worth it, I Promise" a smirk spreads across his lips. My knees go weak, what did I just get myself into. Fuck.

Oops I have not updated in a phat min I'm so sorry I love you all though mwah

Love faith

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Red room-G.D.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora