New Jersey

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We drive to the closest casino that we own down in jersey. I pull up getting out, Ariana follows after me. I walk in going over to Jacks who is playing poker with a group of guys. I grab his arm pulling him to the side, he looks over at me with wide eyes "Grayson?" He furrows his eyebrows "Dude where have you been?" He daps me up "Working out in New York with boss, I decided to just live there but I need your help" he nods "Okay with what?" I tell him to follow me.

We walk back outside in the coldness, I lift the trunk showing him Rick his face fills with anger "I thought we told him to never come back!" His voice comes out deeper than usual "Yeah we did, he decided it would be fun to fuck with me and I'm the wrong person to fuck with. So it looks like I'm going to have to teach him a lesson for putting my brother in the hospital" Jacks smirks helping me get him out the car.

We carry him in taking him to the basement "Turn on the lights" I tell Ariana she nods flickering them on. The brightness takes over the room, Ricks eyes slowly open adjusting to the light "So Rick" I begin looking at Ariana as I speak her face holds the same nervousness from earlier "I'm going to give you a few options" I turn towards him he grins "Either I kill you, or I make you suffer till you die" his face goes blank as Jacks comes in the room with a chair and rope.

He sits the chair down picking Rick up by his shirt throwing his body in it. I grab the rope tying it around his whole body making sure he can't get out. "I told you before Grayson and I'm not going to say it again" he looks at all three of us "You are a bitch" my blood boils as I take the pocket knife I have in my pocket out. I grab his hand bringing it to the blade, I begin to cut his finger off making loud screams take over the room.

Ariana squeezes her eyes shut as she covers her ears. Jacks punches him in his face leaving bruises "Ahh!" He screams as blood squirts out of his finger. Once I fully got his finger off I throw it to the side. I look at Ariana then back to Rick "I told you not to come near her"I grab his throat putting force on his airway "I- I didn't" He tries to breathe "Your right you didn't, but you sent your guys. And anyone that communicates with you is just the same waste of space on this earth if not more" I growl feeling my veins on fire.

"Ariana" I speak "Yes" her soft voice comes out shaky "Do me a favor would you?" She gulps walking towards me, she isn't walking straight due to me. I grab her small hand placing the knife in it. She looks up at me with her big brown puppy dog eyes "Gray-" I cut her off she looks at Rick then back to me "I can't" she whispers I laugh evilly, I swiftly pull her off of her feet by her throat "Do what I tell you to do" I set her back down, tears stream down her cheeks.

I groan putting my face in my hands, this is why I never wanted to have sex with her. Now she feels like we are 'Close' which it's the complete opposite I'm still going to treat her like my partner. She gets treated the same way everyone else does. No one gets my love and affection. The only person I treat loyalty to is my brother. And he is currently hurt in a hospital bed. I grab Ariana's face bringing my lips to her ear "Stop being a bitch" I whisper her face fills with hatred.

I look at him with hatred, he is such a monster. One minute he is nice to me the next he is a asshole "Cut the rest of his fingers off" he speaks I look at Rick feeling bad, I shouldn't feel bad he was trying to kidnap me. He tried having his people kill us, yet I still feel bad. I grab his bloody hand cutting off his middle finger.

Tears rapidly stream down my face as I listen to him scream in pain "Stop! STAOP! pleAse-" I drop the knife running out the casino Grayson chases after me. I run into the cold weather, I feel him grab my arm jerking me back "That's not normal that's fucked up!" I yell "I get that he did you wrong when you were younger but that was then this is now grow the fuck up stop holding grudges" His eyes go wide the vein in his neck popping out "Your telling me to grow the fuck up? REALLY ARIANA REALLY" He screams making me flinch "I'm protecting you and this is what I get? A child yelling at me like she knows the meaning of life?" He laughs coming closer to me.

I back up feeling myself get scared. "I'm not a child" I speak he bites down on his bottom lip "You are a worthless child that does this world no good" I gasp pushing him "You are a piece of shit, I hope you fucking die you BITCH!" I make sure I scream the bitch part loud enough to piss him off. His eyes turn dark making my skin get goosebumps.

He takes his hand swinging at my face. His fist comes in contact with my right cheek making a whimper escape my lips from the pain. I feel it begin to bruise over, I look up at him with tears in my eyes "Your mom didn't leave because of your dad dying, she left because she didn't want to deal with you" he spits walking back into the casino, I look down at the ground sobbing.

I hate life, I hate him, I hate everything. I take myself where ever my feet lead me. I don't know my way around New Jersey, I've never even been here. If I never went on that walk that night I wouldn't be in this situation.

Shorter chapter but whatev.

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