Who killed Adam

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We walk into his office stopping in front of his desk, he looks up at us through his glasses "Ahh hello" he stands up from his chair walking over to us "I have some news" he begins, we nod waiting for him to go on "Adam, he died" he says lowly, Grayson's jaw drops "What?!" He says shocked, boss nods looking down to the ground "How?" I ask he looks up with tears in his eyes "He was murdered, there was so much blood" he tells us his voice cracking in the process, I look over at grayson he has anger written across his face "Who killed him?" He asks Christopher "I'm not sure, that's where you guys come in. I need you guys to find the person who killed my son. Please" he begs crying, I nod walking over to him. I grab him in my arms hugging him "Don't worry, we will find who killed him" I rub his back pulling away.

He wipes under his eyes sniffling, I turn to grayson grabbing his hand pulling him out of the office "What the fuck" he says, more than likely because his thought process is racing at the moment. He looks down at me with a straight face, standing completely still squeezing my hand as tight as he possibly can. I rub the pad of my thumb over the soft skin that is on the top of his hand "Grayson" I say ever so lowly, he blinks a few times licking his lips "I'm so confused right now" he murmurs, I grab his face in my hands trying to get his attention "Look at me baby" I whisper he brings his eyes to my lips not daring to blink. I softly rub his jaw sending goosebumps to his arms "Do you have any idea of who could've possibly killed him, did he have any enemies?" I ask he stares at me blankly shrugging "It is so hard to think let alone process what I was just told, Adam was one of my bestfriends" he says at a fast pace spilling anything out his mouth.

I drop my hands from his face running my hands through my dark wavy hair "Come on, let's go we are gonna go to his gun shop" I quickly say without out letting him put his two sense into it. I grab his hand walking him out the building with me, he digs in his pocket pulling his car keys out handing them to me. I open the car door sliding inside sticking the key in the ignition. I put my foot on the gas pulling off, I bite down on my lip eager to figure out anything I can "Adam is Christopher's son?" I ask grayson, he nods with a hum "He just has a tuff time showing affection to the people he cares about" he tells me I nod "So if that is his son do you think he would know anything? I mean it's his kid after all he should know if there was people that he had problems with" I explain as fast as I could stopping at a red light.

Grayson stays silent with his eyebrows furrowed, I reach my hand over setting it on his thigh "Anyone he would've had issues with would have issues with all of us, that's why this isn't making sense to me" he uses his hands as he talks, the light turns green letting me know I can go. I turn down a street named Oak, I slow down seeing a girl with curly hair throwing huge black garbage bags in her trunk. She turns around looking at us not losing eye contact until we are to far for her to see us anymore. I take a deep breath pulling into the parking lot of the gun store. I put the car in park quickly getting out the car slamming the door. Grayson follows behind me, I pull open the door turning the lights on. Grayson looks around walking ahead of me "It sucks, because I honestly don't even remember the last time I talked to him" he mumbles, his voice cracks showing that this is physically, mentally, and emotionally hurting him.

I frown walking behind the desk in the front of the store, I pull open a drawer grabbing out the files that are in a vanilla colored folder. I set it down in front of me pulling the papers out. All that seems to be in here are payments on guns, I put the papers back in file setting it in the drawer. I bend down pulling out a box from underneath the counter, the box is filled to the brim with papers. Grayson walks out from the back room with a book in his hands "What's that?" I ask, He shrugs "I'm not sure, I think it's like a diary or something" he sets it down sliding it to me, I pick it up opening the first page. The first three words I read send shivers up my spine.

"Who killed Adam"

Hi how are you guys?

Short chapter but these next few chapters will be a mystery on who killed Adam. Look forward to it loves♡

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