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I pull the black dress over my body, you could say I'm trying to look good for Justin but it's a party so I want to look good to catch everyone else's attention. I know I sound like a attention junky but no I'm not, I'm just not used to guys looking at me that much because when they look at me then they see my friends they go for them. But not only do I want to catch people's attention I just want to look good cause looking good always gives you a great feeling.

I slip on some flats then I curl my hair. I grab my keys driving to Adriana's house even though I dislike her, her parties are always great I've been to only two of them but they were fun both of the times I went. Adriana is the biggest bitch of the school including her best friend Jordan. Adriana's the girl Justin cheated on me with and they are now together.

As soon as I get to the party I wait by my car for my friends. "You actually came" they say walking over to me their heels clicking on the ground "You guys look great" I smile they pull me into a small group hug "Promise us that you will at least take one shot" they give me puppy dog eyes I sigh looking down to the ground "How do you expect me to promise you that" Jade grabs my bare shoulders shaking me"Come on live a little the school year just started you don't have to be so focused on studying and shit you have this whole year to worry about your grades" her green eyes pierce into my brown ones.

I bite my inner cheek "Fine I'll take a shot or something" I mumble they squeal "Good" Gina grabs my hand dragging me into the party. The aroma of weed, sweat, and alcohol hits me in the face as we squeeze past all the sweaty bodies dancing, as soon as we get to where the drinks are I lose my friends which I knew was gonna happen. Since I promised them I'll get a drink I might as well get a drink.

I grab a red solo cup putting some Hennessy into it. I look at the brown tinted drink that sits in the cup I shake it around a little bit then I sigh setting it down on the little bar I hop on the barstool still looking at the cup knowing I don't want to drink it. I look at my surroundings seeing everyone dancing or kissing in a corner most girls on the floor shaking their asses I bring my attention back to the cup picking it up looking at the liquid inside of it "Just drink it what's the worst that can happen you get tipsy" I hear a familiar voice behind me knowing exactly who the deep voice belongs to; Justin.

I look into his blue eyes seeing the same sparkle that was there the day I met him "I don't know" I shrug "Why?" He grabs a stool sitting himself next to me "Because I'm the one that has to get me, Gina, and Jade home they came in a uber so I have to provide them with a ride" he laughs bringing his hand to my face putting one of my curls behind my ear "You know when we were together I never got the chance to tell you how beautiful you are" he puts his head on his hand holding it up "Cause you really are beautiful" I feel my cheeks heat up "Justin we broke up for a reason" as much as I want him back it's wrong all wrong even if I had the chance to have him again I wouldn't take it.

He cheated on me, then basically raped me I said no even though I didn't fight I still said no then I decided to be a nice person an not tell anyone about it my friends don't even know the real reason we broke up " I know but I still think about you, and you're body" he looks down to my more than very exposed body covered with a black laced dress "Justin we aren't meant for each other" he sighs grabbing my face pulling my lips to his I put my hand on his chest but he doesn't stop I go to pull away but he has a good grip on me "What the fuck is going on" I hear Adriana's voice he pulls away wiping his lips.

She folds her arms over her chest as if she wants a explanation "She kissed me first" I scoff "That's a lie" her face turns red "He broke up with you cause he didn't want you what don't you understand bitch" I furrow my eyebrows "Believe what you want to but I know the truth so I'm fine with that" I grab the cup of Hennessy throwing it at Justin. I go to look for my friends but I can't find them so I decide to just leave they are gonna have to find their way home.

Once I get home I go up to my room shutting the door changing into sweats and a black shirt. I hop into bed grabbing my phone going onto Instagram as I'm scrolling down my aunt barges in my room "I need a belt" she says with a needle in her mouth going into my closet grabbing one then coming to bed wrapping it around her arm putting the needle to her skin "No not in my room" I grab the needle from her hand she slaps me taking it "This is my room bitch cause this is my house so stay in your place" she says injecting herself I feel warm tears stream down my face.

I get up grabbing a hoodie knowing it will be cold out even though it's summer New York gets cold at night I slip on my black vans walking out the house I need to go for a walk I need to clear my mind it's so filled with more than a hundred thoughts I just need my dad I miss the long talks we used to have now I'm just alone and the only person I have to talk to is the darkness which isn't very comforting.


Love Faith

Instagram graysexx

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