New york

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I call boss letting him know that I've been looking for Ariana for two days and she is no where to be found. I haven't seen her since the night we got into a fight. I could honestly care less that she is gone but I could lose my job over this. I drive down the dark road going into the woods. I look around making sure Ariana isn't dead somewhere.

I've been here for two days, I feel like I'm dead. I feel so ugh I don't even know how to explain my feelings. I just want to stay here for ever. No one can find me, I'm alone, its quiet, I'm the only one here ever. It's just perfect. Knowing Grayson though he probably called Christopher meaning either way I'll be found. I get up walking out the dark alley way.

I walk myself down to the nearest airport. I need to get back to New York. I just want to go home. And that's what I'm going to do.

Next day..

I feel the plane land signaling that I'm finally home. I get off the plane walking out the airport. I walk up to a random women asking her if I could use her phone "Yes of course" she digs in her purse pulling her phone out. She opens it handing it to me, I dial Gina's number waiting for her to answer. She picks up the phone her delicate voice flowing through my ears "Hello" she speaks "Gina" I say "Ariana!?" Excitement comes from her "Yes hi, could you pick me up from the airport?" I hear stuff moving in the background "Yes! You have so much explaining to do!" She shouts in my ear hanging up.

I thank the woman handing her the phone. After about ten minutes I see Gina pull up. I look around hoping that no one is watching, I get in her car quickly telling her to drive off "I've missed you where have you been?" Her eyes water "I miss myself to, I don't even know how I'm supposed to explain this to you and Jade. Your going to hate me" I state knowing that one of them at least are going to be angry with my decisions "Is it that bad?" She looks at me raising her perfect brow "Let's just say I've done things that never would even cross my mind" her blue eyes fill with concern.

She pulls up to Jades house beeping, Jade opens the door seeing me in the car. She opens the car door pulling me out "Oh my god! Is this real? Is this really you" she pulls away holding onto my face "Ariana!" She squeezes me "I miss this pretty little face" she presses her lips on my bruised cheek I wince hugging back "Could we come in? I'll explain what's been going on" I say softly Jade nods dragging me in the house.

We all sit down on the couch, they look me up and down. I look like shit, I have old blood on me my face is bruised my hair is nappy. I gulp looking down to my hands "I'm not really sure how to say this with out it sounding bad, but I'm in a gang" they both gasp "So the night of that party you guys begged me to go to, I left and decided to go for a walk after I got home. I just wanted some fresh air, I guess I got more than I intended to" I lick my dry lips "These two guys were parked in front of a casino, they were cat calling me blah blah. Then they kidnapped me" tears form in my eyes as I remember the night so clearly.

I look up at the two brunettes that are listening carefully "I was forced to do such- awful things" I pinch my skin "I sold drugs, seduced men for money, I hurt people, and I killed peo-" I stop mid sentence sobbing "I'm sorry, I really hope that karma comes back to me because I'm such a bad person" I sniffle feeling Gina's hands on me.

She pulls me in her arms rubbing my back "Do you want to go to the police about this?" Jade asks picking her phone up I shake my head quickly grabbing her phone "You guys aren't understanding what I'm saying, you can't tell anyone about this. I don't want you getting hurt" I look at Gina then Jade they both have confusion written on their face "They are monsters" I state "Christopher, the boss. He has his ways. They all do, trust me. The crazy shit that goes on in that casino at night is fucking disgusting" I explain.

I pull at my hair "The stuff I've done in that casino, is disgusting" I whisper feeling my lip tremble "So Greg? Is one of them" Gina asks I look up at her "His name isn't Greg, It's Grayson" I end my sentence slowly not knowing if it was a good idea to tell them everything I just did "I had another gang coming after me, they wanted me for some reason. They all do Christopher tells me I'm special, what makes me so special I don't know but they all want me" which is more than true Christopher tells me every time he sees me that I'm special "Grayson is going to kill me when he finds me, it's his job to keep me safe" Gina and Jade sigh "Is that it?" I looks down to my feet.

I shake my head remembering what happened a few nights ago "I had sex with him" Jade smirks "Well is he hot?" I giggle "Yes, but I hate his ways" I say "He is evil, he is the devils child" no doubting that everything he does is illegal, we had sex which is wrong. That would be considered rape but I'll keep it to myself because I enjoyed it to much. "So are you staying here or going back with him?" Jade asks "Grayson is in New York handling some things so I think I'm cool as of right now" I wish I was right, I wish I would've listened. Like boss said you do wrong you deal with the consequences.

I walk into the casino seeing boss and the girls sitting at a table. He walks up to me grabbing my collar in his hands"I told you not to let her run away" he spits "And what did you do? Let her run away" he growls letting me go I fix my shirt "No you told me that I had to teach her how to be in this gang" I tell he laughs evilly "Grayson if you don't find her consider yourself dead, out of the anarchy completely" I feel my chest begin to heat up I push him slightly "I'll find the bitch, and when I do you will be all over me again. I can bet money on it, all you did is kiss up to me" the girls gasp.

He slams his fist on the table making them jump up "If I didn't care about you I would've been done killed you! Find ariana or I'm going to have to teach you a lesson. And trust me grayson you won't enjoy it" he walks out rose following after him, I go to walk out but Becky grabs my arm "You seem stressed baby" she kisses my neck making me tense up "Let me help you with that" she drops to her knees I shake my head picking her up by her arm "Ow" she whines "Why are you acting like this, what happened to us? Ariana is just your new bitch now" she yanks her arm from me "Becky there is no us there never has been an us and there is never going to be a us" I scream at her walking out.

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