Atleast for tonight

443 8 5

January 16
He looks across the room at a girl with black curly hair, I'll admit she is gorgeous. Ethan smirks walking over to her, I shake my head he has blood all over him. He grabs her arm making her snatch her head towards him. She furrows her eyebrows looking down at his hands and shirt, I shut my eyes shaking my head "Fuck" I whisper opening the closet door behind me, I grab a big black fluffy coat putting on. I slide my hand in the right pocket grabbing the gloves that were inside, I slip the leather gloves over my hands. I smile sliding my hand in the other pocket pulling out lipstick, I smirk opening it applying some to my lips. I look back towards Ethan seeing him talking to her. I walk over to them stopping in front of tiffany, she looks me up and down scoffing.

I wrap my arm around Ethan looking up at him "Hey there buddy" he looks down to me rolling his eyes "Seems like there are some plans I should know" I squeeze his side with my nails, he winces pushing me away from him. Tiffany looks between us shaking her head "What's going on here?" She raises her voice I step up to her making her move back "Give us the money you owe Christopher" she widens her eyes pushing me, I grab my gun pointing it at her. I put my hand over her mouth before she could scream, I put my gun away "If you scream I'm putting a bullet through you brain princess" I smile innocently grabbing her arm, Ethan smirks shaking his head at me "Give us the money, or I promise I will kill you right here" she bites down on her shaking lip "Follow me" she walks away from us, we follow her down a hall.

She opens a brown door walking into it, I follow after her. I pull the gun out "Get all bitch" I point the gun at her "I am" she mumbles grabbing a black bag from under a chair "How much does he need" she looks down at the bag, I walk closer to her zipping the bag "All of it" I pick it up throwing it to Ethan, he smiles catching it "Don't do business with Christopher if you can't pay him back" I spit walking over to Ethan "Let's get out of here" I say walking out the room, he shuts the door behind him following me "Grayson taught you well, I'll give him that".

The next day.

My eyes open from a loud voice "Happy birthday dear ari happy birthday to you" I sit up looking at Ethan with a cupcake in his hands "How did you know it was my birthday" I raise a brow "Boss told me" he scratches the back of his neck, I rub my eyes nodding. I should've known that, coming into this business your boss finds out everything there is to know about you. I take the the cupcake from him licking off some of the frosting "So are you going to let me give you my gift or?" Ethan raises his eyebrow hinting at something "No" I laugh lightly knowing exactly what he is talking about "Come on, it's your birthday" I get up walking over to him "And in business the rules are, no fucking your co-workers" I lick more frosting before handing him the cupcake back.

He licks his teeth nodding "Forgot that you are young and smart, your come backs are always going to be good" he jokingly teases me, I giggle shaking my head. I look over to him seeing a huge smile plastered across his face, he makes me wish grayson was like this but he isn't. Grayson is all about his job, sex, and money "Are we working today?" I ask slipping a hoodie over myself, he sets the cupcake down on the nightstand next to the bed I was sleeping in "What makes you think we are working on your birthday?" He asks with excitement in his tone "We have plans" he winks "Like?" I fold my arms over my chest wondering what exactly he could possibly have planned "That is a surprise, so I guess you'll just have to wait and see" he tells me walking over to the door "Be ready by 8:00" he says before shutting the door behind him. I nod looking to the floor, what am I supposed to do until 8:00.

The door opens making me look up "Why aren't you ready?" He examines my current state "Well how do you expect me to keep track of time?" I snap at him, he rolls his eyes opening the closet. He grabs a dress throwing it on the bed "Orange?" I raise a brow he nods "It will compliment your skin tone" I smile lightly picking the dress up, I stand up looking it up and down. I turn to Ethan narrowing my eyes "I'm not changing in front of you" I say making sure he is aware of that "Right" he mumbles walking out, I shut the door behind him.

 I turn to Ethan narrowing my eyes "I'm not changing in front of you" I say making sure he is aware of that "Right" he mumbles walking out, I shut the door behind him

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I pick the dress up taking a deep breath, I have never worn so many dresses in my life. Working for Christopher is like being a model. I pull my clothes off throwing them to the side, I slip the dress on my body turning towards the mirror in the corner. I look myself up and down nodding, not to be bad. "Ethan, I'm done" I call, the door opens making a loud creaking noise. I turn around so he can see me, his eyes scan me up and down "You look good ari" he licks his lips, I blush looking down "Thank you Ethan" I walk over to him by the door "Ready to go?" I ask he nods walking ahead of me.

He stops his car in front of the casino taking the keys out of the ignition. I get out the car shutting the door, Ethan walks over to me grabbing my arm pulling me towards the building "Happy 18th birthday" he opens the casino doors, I look around everyone that works for Christopher is here, Grayson is here. I take a deep breath feeling anxiety kick in from the amount of people "Happy birthday Ariana" everyone says over eachother, I turn to Ethan smiling "Great, this is great" I mumble looking down, I put my lips together closing my eyes "Your 18" A deep voice flows through my ears, I look up seeing Grayson "Yeah" I nod awkwardly, it feels like I have not seen or spoken to him in forever but it has actually only been a few days.

"You can come back with me, if you want. Atleast for tonight" he quickly says, almost as if he felt weird asking a girl to come home with him like that isn't his thing. I take a breath making eye contact with him "Sure" I lick my lips feeling the tension between the two of us, I guess you could say that weirdness is there because the way things were left off the last time we seen eachother. He pushed me away, now he is the one pulling me in. He is confusing, he doesn't know what he wants "But do not pull me in, to just push me away again" I say loud enough for only us to hear, he looks down at me his dark eyes fogging over with admiration "I won't, just promise to keep your feelings to yourself. I care about you, but I don't want to end up being the bad guy for cutting you off because I don't do relationships" the deepness in his tone makes a shiver run up my spine. I guess Ethan was right he cares, Just not enough.

Hi I know it's been a minute since I've updated, and trust me I'll start updating alot more I'm sorry.

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