Booger sugar

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He pulls out a baggie with white powder in it I furrow my eyebrows confused "Why do you have coke" he laughs putting a hundred dollar bill into a sniffing tube "This is booger sugar" I shake my head sighing "If you didn't know what it was then why did you ask for it?" He sniffs a whole line handing me the bill "G, I- I can't" he bites down on his lip "Put that up to your nose and sniff this right now" he demands looking down at the powder in front of him.

I put my head down, I sniff the coke feeling my nose burn "Fuck" I rub my nose "You will like it princess" he winks putting his money in his pocket. I feel my body get light letting the coke take over.

After about twenty minutes of Grayson trying to get the cast off my arm he finally got it off throwing it in the trash "I feel amazing" I giggle seeing colors when I close my eyes "G" he hums "Thank you for letting me stay with you" he smiles over at me Laying his back against the grey couch "No problem" he rubs my bare thigh "I have to use the bathroom" I get up walking down the hall. I come across a room I've never seen before as I'm going to use the bathroom. I try to open the door but it's locked, I scrunch my face up that weird.

I try to open it again but I get startled by Grayson "What are you doing?" His voice sounds angry I gasp fiddling with my fingers "Nothing" I whisper he grabs me pushing me against the wall "I don't care what you do but, don't ever fucking snoop your nose in places it doesn't belong" I feel my breath get lodged in my throat as he speaks to me "I'm sor- sorry" I stumble across my words not knowing what to feel when his body is literally pressed against mine.

He lets my small body go leaving me free "Just-" he bites his lip then looks me in the eyes his eyes are bigger than before he's high obviously that's what drugs do to you. "Don't ever go near this door, when you are walking past it ignore that it's there think of it as a wall, I don't want you getting caught up with that room" he simply says walking off back to the living room leaving me lonely in my thoughts. What the hell could be in that room? Dead people? Or maybe people he has hostage omg what the hell.

I ignore my thoughts taking myself to the bathroom then going back to the living room where Grayson is on his phone with his eyebrows furrowed, he looks absolutely hot. The way his focus is on the screen, his jaw clenched I never really realized how hot he was "You are hot" I blurt having full confidence from the coke he turns his phone off looking up at me due to me standing and him sitting "Finally grew a pair of boobs I see" he smirks up at me making my cheeks go warm.

I look down with a little smile on my face. Why I'm acting like this all the sudden I hated him like a hour ago "Maybe" I look up at him regretting ever even speaking to him once his eyes go dark "That's the drugs talking princess, what makes you think I would ever be nice to you?" He stands up letting his body hover over mine. Moments like these scared me, how could he go from being sweet to being mean with the snap of a finger.

Before Christopher told him to be mean to me he was being some what nice, but that was a few months ago during the summer but we are in fall now, so not only did the seasons change but so did he. I frown looking up to him since the height difference is kinda big me being 5'6 and him being 6'1 something like that. He grins pleased with his actions "Why are you always such a dick?!" I stomp my tiny foot trying to show my anger knowing damn well I suck at showing it because I'm not like that I never have been that was Jade and Gina's job.

He squints his eyes at me waiting to see the next thing I was gonna do. I sigh turning away from him "I don't understand you" I leave my back faced to him, I hear his movements behind me "You don't understand" he lowly says I groan turning around to him. He has his lips pressed together with his hands down to his sides "Then make me understand G" he shakes his head "I can't, no matter how much you want to understand. I can't lose my job over you, a fucking child that some how got brought in my life".

I scoff at him did he really just call me a child "I'm not a child, you decided to bring me here now you are stuck with the consequences" I point my finger at him walking towards him "Ariana I would quit if I was you" he warns but his warning wasn't enough I was tired of being treated like a child, like a bitch, like a no one I was tired of it all "Im sick of being treated this way, if you don't want this take me home" my voice becomes laced with weakness "Stop being a bitch" at that moment I knew I was wrong especially by the way he looked at me when I said it.

She definitely is crazy if she thinks she is gonna get away with calling me a bitch, call me anything but that. That word, that name, I won't allow anyone to call me that especially after my childhood after all of the things that man did to me. That was his name for me once Christopher took me and Ethan out of that situation everything became better, so I won't let anyone ever call me that again.

I grab her throat pushing her against the living room wall. I hold her throat with force pushing harder with every second "Listen you fucking slut, if you ever call me that again I will slit your damn throat with ease. Don't ever calling me a fucking bitch, bitch" I let her go she falls to the floor holding her throat crying hysterically. As bad as I should feel for hurting her I don't, I told her to watch the things she says to me but apparently those words went in one ear and out the other.

I told Christopher that I didn't want to have to handle this job. I told him that I couldn't be mean to her, so doing that is hard. This is a working progress as soon as boss tells me to take it easy on her that's what I'll do but until then we have to keep up with our jobs. She needs to realize that life is not peachy you don't get what you want, you have to fight for it. Even if I'm being mean, she can hate me all she wants at least I'll be the one to say I taught her what she knows.

I grab her arm pulling her to her feet. I take my hand putting it on her face holding it with a grip "I don't want to hurt you" I softly speak not wanting to scare her any more than I already have "We are partners got that?" I raise a brow at her she sniffles nodding "The job we have tomorrow is risky" she swallows her spit then nods wanting me to go on "Don't leave my side, at all. Let just say, if you leave my side there will be a punishment. I could promise you that you wouldn't enjoy that punishment princess" I let her go telling her goodnight. I hope she doesn't fuck up, boss will kill me if she fucks this job up.


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