Chapter 2

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I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I was getting ready for the party. I wanted to look good. Lets just say I might have a crush on one of my friends.

I exited my steamy bathroom and entered my cluttered bedroom, searching for clothes to wear. I decided on high waisted light-washed shirts, a plain white crop top, a red flannel around my waist, and black vans. I did my makeup, putting on foundation, eyeliner, mascara and a small bit of lipgloss. (hehe magcon lipgloss dance)

I ran downstairs with my phone in my hand and got some money from my dad and put it in my pocket.

Right on cue, Ava, Cierra, Zoe and Isabelle were at my door, all looking stunning.

'You ready?' Cierra asked.

I nodded and we left the house, waving goodbye to my parents.

We ran down to the beach, with our vans in our hands so we don't get them sandy. We were playing Trxye on Zoe's phone, belting out the lyrics. Just as 'Touch' ended, we were past all the sand dunes and right in the crowd of teenagers. They're were a couple of people that either had summer homes down the street or actually live here.

I noticed a few familiar faces that I haven't seen in a while and rushed up to them. It was Aria, Abi, Katie, Sarah, Taylor, Gillinksy and Johnson.

Aria had her arms around Gillinksy's neck and he was smiling down at her. They completely ignored our attempts to say hi, so we left them alone. We all caught up and the rest of our group started to join us. Nash came up between me and Isabelle. I instantly thought he was going to start flirting with Isabelle, but I got the biggest shock of the night. Nash put his arm around ME. ME!

I didn't even like Nash that way. He was one of my best friends. I glanced over to looked at Isabelle, put her, Sarah and Zoe had left. I sighed and took Nash's arm off of my shoulder.

He looked kinda hurt, but what else was I supposed to do. Nasty ass dragon, ain't nobody wanna touch you.

He walked away with Carter, bumping off gillinsky on the way. Gillinsky stopped making out with Aria, and looked at Nash angrily.

'What do you want Grier?!' he asked, obviously pissed off.

Nash rolled his eyes, not in the mood for this, after me rejecting him, and started to walk away. Jack started to follow him, but Aria held him back. 'He's not worth it baby' she whispered.

Did she seriously just call him baby? I think I just threw up a bit.

I knew Nash and Jack Gillinsky hated each other since last summer, but holding a grudge for a whole year? I don't get it.

Nash's POV

I can't believe Hazel rejected me. I thought she liked me. Im actually not even sure why I did that. I think seeing Isabelle again just messed up my mind. I blew it with Izzie. I wanted her back. I wish Carter never told her that I made out with Aria.

Gillinsky is pissing me off aswell. Him and Aria together are disgusting. Gillinsky is an asshole. I wish he never got a summer home here. Hes only been here for a year, but we've all grown up together. He's just made things worse.

Isabelle's POV

I can't believe Nash would do that. I still love him and I want to get back together. but obviously he wants to be with Hazel. There's still a bright side to all of this. I know Hazel doesn't like Nash. She tells me everything. But I don't want to be with Nash if he doesn't like me back. But I thought he still liked me :(. I continued walking towards the pier with Zoe and Sarah. I just needed to be away. I'll probably go back later. I can't stay mad at hazel.

I heard someone yelling my name behind us. I turned around quickly to see Hazel with Lucy behind her. She ran up to me, panting. 'Physical........Activity....' she said between breathes. I laughed at her.

Hazel caught her breath. 'I swear, I didn't mean for that to happen. I don't even like Nash. I-' I interrupted her. 'It's ok, I'm not mad' I said, smiling at her.

'Really, but why?' she asked.

'Like you said, you didn't mean for it to happen. it's not your fault'.

She smiled at me, obviously relieved. Lucy ran up to us and said 'C'mon let's play spin the bottle'

We all ran back to the campfire, laughing.

Hazels POV

I was really happy that Izzie and I were okay again. I didn't want there to be drama on the second night. we all sat down around the bottle. I was sitting in between Taylor and Carter. Nash and Izzie couldn't be further away from eachother. It was Lucy's go to spin the bottle. Everyone was silent. it landed on Carter. He had his head bent down, but I could still see him blushing. Him and Lucy got up and kissed and sat back down. I smiled because I knew Lucy liked Carter.

The game continued with Hannah and Matt, Taylor and Ava, Johnson and Zoe, Isabelle and Carter (sorry Lucy) and then I got to spin. I spun the bottle as hard as I could and it landed on......Cameron.

Isabelle and Cierra looked at me and winked, because they knew that I had a crush on Cameron. Cameron looked really calm about it, whereas I probably was as red as a cherry. I looked down and I heard footsteps coming towards be. Cameron lifted my chin with his fingers and leaned in. I was taken by surprise how cool he was about this. I kissed him back, loving every second of it. Then we both pulled back. I looked behind me, to see Abi with anger all over her face. Carter told me that Abi liked Cameron. I instantly felt bad, but then I remembered I was just kissed by Cameron.

The game continued but then something that completely changed the mood happened. It was Isabelle's go and it couldn't have landed on someone worse. Nash.

Isabelle was obviously mad at Nash, but she couldn't back out. She had to kiss him. They both just sat there for ages awkwardly then suddenly Taylor said 'So are you guys going to kiss or not'

They both looked embarrassed and didn't move a muscle. Just then, Aria said 'Its not that hard' and kissed Nash on the lips. He was taken aback. Lucy and Taylor just burst out laughing.

Jack Gillinsky stood up, his fists clenched. he couldn't do anything to Nash, he didn't even kiss her back.

'Aria, were over. go to hell!' he said, and stormed away. Aria ran after him, tearing up.

'Jack, please!' she cried.

I knew it was going to end. They weren't right for eachother. Everyone was facing Jack and Aria, living for the drama. I was the only one to turn around to see Nash and Izzie kissing eachother.

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