Chapter 43

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Song-If we're reckless-Tatiana Manaois

Taylor's POV

We sat in the room for at least half an hour, until an officer came into the room and took Cameron out.

Whenever an officer came into the room, I could see Hazel tense up. Poor girl. She doesn't need this stress.

When Cam was leaving, he didn't even look us in the eyes. He even more scared than we were, probably.

Twenty minutes later, an officer took me out of the room. I really didn't want to leave Hazel alone, but I had to.

I was escorted into a room with a table and a chair on either side of it. A female officer was sitting on one of the chairs and I sat across from her.

She asked me all the normal things like my name, my age, where i live etc. She was writing all of my answers on a piece of paper.

Then she asked me the question I was dreading.

'What were you doing around the care it's two other individuals?' she asked me.

'Me and Hazel did nothing' I said.

'Hazel?' she asked.

'Hazels my friend. She was there too' I explained.

'So it was the third person that was there, by the name of "Cameron Dallas" that was attempting to break into the car?' she asked, checking her piece of paper.

'Yeah...' I said quietly. I basically just ratted Cam out. I felt awful. But what else was I supposed to say.

'And you and this "Hazel" were just observing?' she asked. I nodded.

'Okay. You may go' she said, nodding at the officer behind me who escorted me out of the room.

I came back into the room that Hazel was in and sat down next to her.

'How was it?' she asked, nervously.

I didn't even get to answer her because the officer took her to be interviewed.

'It's okay' I mouthed to her as she left.

I sat there for twenty minutes, playing with my fingers. Where were Hazel and Cam?

Finally, Hazel ran back into the room and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, rubbing her back. She cried into my shoulder and I sat her down on my lap, cradling her.

'I t-told them...i-it was Cam..' she sobbed.

'I know....I did too..its okay' I whispered, trying to calm her down. She was shaking and her breathing was fast.

We waited an hour for Cameron to come back and eventually, he came back into the room, an officer to his right and....his mom to his left. He's screwed.

'I can't believe I had to bail you out, Cameron! I taught you better then this!' his mom shouted at him.

Cameron said nothing, his head bowed.

'You two can go' the officer said to Hazel and I.

Hazel jumped up off my lap and ran to Cameron. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist and he held on to her tightly, tears in his eyes.

'I'm sorry Hazel' I heard him whisper to her. She cried into his neck and kissed him.

'I don't care Cam. You're here now...' Hazel said softly.

Cameron turned to look at me and half-smiled, showing he was sorry.

I smiled back, unable to say much. I was still a little in shock of all of this.

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