Chapter 20

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Song-We the kings-Just keep breathing

Hazel's POV
Cameron and I walked hand and hand down to Ava's room. Everyone else was either still in the cafeteria or gone home to sleep and have showers.

I glanced up at Cameron. You could tell he's been crying. His eyes were all bloodshot and his face was slightly red and puffy. I held his hand strongly and we entered Ava's room.

'Hey Ava' we said in unison. I wasn't even sure if she could hear us, but we spoke to her anyway.

I sat at the edge of Ava's bed and Cameron grabbed a seat for himself.

We sat in silence just looking at our friend. She looked so lifeless. I refused to cry anymore. It only made things worse.

Cameron however, had tears rolling down his cheeks. It felt weird, to see my strong boyfriend sobbing his eyes out. I felt useless because I couldn't do anything to help him. I couldn't save Ava.

He's usually so strong and capable. I hated seeing him this weak and pathetic. His hair was messy, his eyes red, his face damp. I really did kill me.

I looked back at Ava and noticed something different. She had a beautiful, shiny necklace around her neck. I inspected it closer and it had 'T & A' engraved on it. Taylor and Ava?

It was a heart shaped locket, and being the nosy person I am, I opened it.

It revealed a picture of Taylor and Ava together on the beach. It was so pretty. They both looked so happy together.

'Hey, what's that?' Cam asked, curious.

'A...locket' I said, between sobs. Crap, I did end up crying.

Cameron looked at the locket closer, and covered his mouth with his hand, like a fangirl meeting their idol.

'It's so cute' I whispered.

Cameron sat back into his seat.

'He really does love her' Cameron said quietly.

I nodded, still shocked at how adorable it is.

'Hazel, Carter's raging. Nash just texted me saying he's taking him home cause he won't leave. I think I should go with him' Cameron said.

I understood. 'Yeah sure. I'll head back to the others in the cafeteria' I said.

Cam nodded and we both left, saying goodbye to our best friend Ava.

Cameron's POV
Hazel and I strolled back into the cafeteria. Nash was behind Carter, trying to pull him away. Carter was yelling at Isabelle, causing a huge scene. I rushed over and eventually, Nash and I had him at his house.

' sorry' Carter said quietly.

Nash looked unimpressed and I just stood there. Carter faced me.

'I-I'm sorry about....about what I did to Hazel' Carter mumbled, looking down at his feet.

I nodded, not fully accepting his apology.

'And Nash? I'm sorry f-for trying to break you and Isabelle up....' Carter murmured. Nash just looked back at him, his arms folded.

Carter shrugged.

'Well, I tried. I tried to apologise' he said, and walked inside his house.

Kian's POV

(A/N I'm don't think I said Kian was in the hospital with the rest of them. Well he actually was.)

I walked into Ava's room when Hazel and Cam came back into the cafeteria.

Her eyes were shut and her mouth slightly opened. I slowly walked over to my little cousin and sat down.

'I-I said I would protect you' I blurted out.

'B-But I didn't. I let you get into this state. I should've been there for you. Took care of you. I-I just....I just want you back Ava. I love you. You're my family and family are meant to be there for eachother. And....and I wasnt. I let you down Ava. And if you wake up....when you wake up, I'll be there for you and protect you....Please wake up. I need you'.

I ran my fingers through my bleached blonde hair. I couldn't bear to see her like this. She looked dead. I wanted her back. I needed Ava to make me laugh. I took one last look at her and left.

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