Chapter 27

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Song-I won't give up-Jason Mraz- Jacob Whitesides cover

Hazel's POV

'Get your ratchet ass' out of bed' Nash and Cameron screamed in our ears. I yawned and looked up at my boyfriend and my best friend. did they get in Izzie's room?

'Isabelle's mom let us in' Cam said, reading my mind. Izzie woke up and looked at us, her eyes only half open.

'Wow, thanks mom' Isabelle said sarcastically. 'Wait, did Luke...?' Isabelle asked.

Nash shook his head.

'Your mom said it was just you girls and her in the house' Nash explained.

Izzie breathed a sigh of relief.

'Hey Izzie, I actually gotta go' I said, checking the time on my phone. It was 11:55.

'My mom needs me to help her with something' I explained.

Isabelle nodded and I gathered my things and left.

I stepped out into the warm summer heat. It was a Friday. I began walking down towards my house, listening to the sound of waves crashing and palm trees blowing in the breeze. I loved California. I don't know how I'm going to be able to leave when summer ends. It's usually cold in New York and I'm getting used to the California heat, like I do every summer.

I entered my house and placed my things in my room. I ran back downstairs to hear something I didn't want to.

Shouting, yelling, cursing, screaming, insulting.

It was my parents again. They always fight. It drives me nuts. It's getting worse and worse. But I know they won't split up. They love each other, I'm sure of it. Not every marriage is perfect.

Instead of standing motionless in the hallway, I rushed back upstairs. I didn't want to listen to it anymore. I know nothing bad is going to happen, but it seems they call each other names more than they say 'I love you'.

I could still hear them from upstairs. I needed to leave. My mom said she wanted me to help her clean the garage, but obviously that's not going to happen for a while, so I left. I changed into black high waisted shorts with a baby blue loose top that says 'To The Beach' and my blue and green floral vans. I tucked the front of my shirt into my shorts, grabbed my phone, my money and left.

The sunshine hit my face as I began walking towards my favourite place to get ice cream in Cali. It was only a two minute walk, so I was okay with it.

I walked into the store and got a bubblegum flavoured ice cream with mini marshmallows and sprinkles. It's probably my favourite type of ice cream. I began eating on the way out and decided to go to the pier to just sit and eat my ice cream.

I sat down and looked out on to the ocean. It was so blue.

'Boo!' I voice yelled behind me, covering my ears. I instantly recognised that voice.

'Cam!' I yelled, turning around to see Cameron there, boyishly grinning.

He sat down next to me and kissed me.

'Hey, what's up?' Cam said.

I looked at my lap. Should I tell him? He's my boyfriend, I probably should.

' p-parents..are fighting..' I stuttered.

He looked at me shocked.

'Oh my god, Hazel' Cameron whispered, putting his strong, protective arms around me.

'I'm so sorry..' he muttered in my ear.

I just then noticed I was crying. The tears rolled down my face.

'It's okay Hazel. It will get better, I promise' Cameron said.

'D-Don't make promises you can't keep...' I mumbled.

He looked at me straight in the eyes, taking my hands.

'Hazel, I don't break promises' Cameron said.

I nodded at him, still bawling my eyes out. He wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

'I love you' he whispered.

'I love you too' I said softly back.

Cameron refused to let me go back home, so him and I went back to his.

'It's just me for the whole day' Cameron said, jumping on to the sofa.

'Cool. So whatcha want to do?' I asked, flopping down next to him. He put his arm around me and shrugged.

'Um, I don't know. How about we make muffins?' Cameron said, smirking down at me.

'Muffins, really?' I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

'We have all the ingredients. And Hazel, I know you well enough to know that any sort of food changes your mood completely' Cameron siad, smiling.

I sighed, but on the inside, that's exactly what I wanted to do.

'Okay' I said.

'I know you so well. C'mon!' Cam laughed, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me into the kitchen.

Cam got out the ingredients and set them on the island. We began making the muffins, messing around with the flour, making a huge mess. Cameron didn't care though.

We waited impatiently for the muffins to bake and took them out when they looked done.

'Yaaaaassssssssss!' Cameron screamed, unwrapping one of the muffin cases.

We both took a bite and it tasted like heaven in my mouth.

'Erhmagawd, deestaystsonice' Is what managed to come out with, while a huge piece of a muffin was stuffed in my mouth.

Cameron laughed at me, almost spitting out his.

I loved the times like these. I wish it could just stay like this for the rest of the summer.

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