Chapter 26

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Song-Settle Down-The 1975

Isabelle's POV

Nash, Hazel, Cameron and I sat on my bedroom floor, staring at my Mac screen. I had put on Insidious and, even though it isn't scary, I still pretended to be scared. Well maybe I was a little scared. Hazel sat there, Cam sitting right behind her, her small body Inbetween both of Cameron's legs. She loved scary movies and wasn't phased by them at all. She sat there simply, laughing everytime one of us got scared, which was usually me.

She also making fun of the movie, laughing and screaming 'Bitch, you ugly!' when a scary face appeared on the screen. Hazel kinda made horror movies less scary.

The movie ended so we sat around talking, eating popcorn and Cheetos. Cameron and Nash were throwing popcorn everywhere, making Hazel and I squeal whenever they hit us.

'Stop it!' I yelled, playfully hitting the boys with my pillow. They laughed hysterically on the floor, clutching their sides.

Suddenly someone's phone starting vibrating.

'Oh, that's mine' Nash said, stretching over me to grab his phone. The screen lit up with the name 'Carter'.

'Shit...' mumbled Nash.

He's probably calling to apologise. He's been calling all of us all day.

'Should I answer' Nash asked.

Cameron nodded, pressing the green button for him. Nash put it on speaker.

'Uh, hey, Nash?' Carter said on the other line. Nash put his finger to his lips, not wanting Carter to know the rest of is were here.

'Hey Carter' Nash said plainly.

'I just want to say sorry...again. I want to be friends again. I've changed, I swear I have. Just please, seriously, forgive me?' Carter said.

I felt so bad for him. He's called so many times by now, I'm starting to think he's telling the truth.

I mouthed to Nash 'Forgive him. Invite him over'.

Nash looked at me surprised and realised I was being serious. He sighed.

'Aright Carter. I-I forgive you.... We're at Izzies, you can come over' Nash said to him.

'Really? Nash, I'm really glad, thank you. I kinda can't, I'm meant to be going out with Lucy in a half an hour' Carter said.

'Bring her too' Nash said, after me telling him that it was okay to ask.

'Are you serious? Okay! Woah, thanks Nash. That took a lot of balls to forgive me...' Carter said.

'It took a lot of balls to ask for forgiveness' Nash said. Oh, Nash's wisdom 😉.

I was glad we invited Carter and Lucy. Everyone deserves a second chance, don't they? I really do think Carter was being honest.

About 10 minutes later, Carter and Lucy were sitting amongst us on the floor. Carter tried to apologise again but Cameron interrupted him, telling him that was in the past.

We had fun. We watched a couple more movies and played games like truth or dare and dizzy dinosaurs, falling all over the place after that game. Yes, we act like 5 year olds, judge us.

Absolutely exhausted, Hazel and I fell on my bed, while the others gathered their things. It was just Hazel sleeping over, which I loved.

Aria's POV

'Jack! Stop it!' I screamed, laughing, hitting Jack G's back, begging to be let down.

Jack had me over his shoulder and was heading towards to sea.

'Jack, I'm serious, don't!' I begged.

He laughed at me. Obviously letting me now was not one of his plans. Not unless it involved throwing me in the sea. Which is exactly what he did.

I emerged from the freezing cold water, my hair soaking wet, dripping over my face.

He had his hands on his hips, looking sassy as ever 😏. He was proud of throwing me in, I guess.

'I'm gonna get you back!' I yelled, storming out of the water, pretending to be mad.

He ran after me.

'Baby' he called after me. Oh, I loved when he called me that. (a/n ugh gross, I think I just vomited)

I turned around, happy I fooled him. He looked salty as fuck. Oh well.

He scooped me up and we left the beach, going to Jacks house.

After we got dry, we just chilled out. Jack gave me one of his t-shirts, so I changed into that and wore my bra and knickers under.

I came out of Jacks bathroom and saw him shirtless on the bed.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Jack asked me, lying on the bed, looking sexy af.

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