Chapter 16

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Song-Fun-Troye Sivan

Ava's POV

We were pretty high. And by pretty high, I mean we were really high.

I stuck my head out of Taylor's new car's window, letting the sea breeze blow my hair behind me.

We were going so fast, it was amazing. It was exhilarating!

'I'm in me mums car! Broom broom!' I screamed.

'Get out me car!' Taylor yelled back.

I laughed hysterically. I could smell the beach. The aroma of sand and sea filled the car.

'Wooohhhh!!' I yelled, throwing my hands up.

I took down my hair from its ordinary ponytail and let it blow out the window of the speeding car.

Taylor screamed back, even louder than me. He turned on the radio and let the music blare.

We sang the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

I got my Raybans out of my bag in the back of the car and put them on. It was almost 4 and the sun was shining above us.

Taylor leaned over to kiss me, eyes off the road.

The last thing I remember was Taylor screaming 'Watch out!' We were approaching a car at lighting speed.

Taylor swerved the car, and I heard the screech if the brakes.

We drove in the direction of a ditch, and I was still screaming my head off.

The last sound I heard was the beep of a car.


Taylor's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, all white and spotless.

I heard the beeping of something next to me and nearly every part of my body hurt.

There were tubes everywhere, and I had a ringing in my ears.

I heard footsteps enter the strange room I was lying in a bed in and say my name.

'Taylor?' a female voice said.


'Ava!?!' I said.

The person walked over to my bedside.

'No, sorry Taylor. It's only me, Isabelle' said the voice.

Isabelle? Why was Isabelle here?

'Izzie, where am I?' I asked. I felt extremely dizzy and I could barely make out Isabelle's face.

''re in the hospital' Isabelle said in a soft voice. Isabelle took my hand and stoked my palm with her thumb.

I was so confused. I ran my fingers through my messy hair. The last thing I remember was driving in my new car with Ava.......Ava?!

'Uh Isabelle? Where's Ava?' I asked, concerned. What happened to her?

Isabelle sighed.

'She's....shes just down the hall. She's....Ava's in a c-coma. You guys were in a car crash. You guys both got hurt pretty bad' Isabelle said, looking down at her lap. a coma? This can't be happening. Someone please tell me this is a dream. Don't leave me Ava..

Isabelle started stroking my hair. 'It's okay. I'm sure she'll wake up soon' she whispered.

I nodded. I felt pretty tired actually, and I probably looked it, because Isabelle whispered 'Sleep tight' and left the room. I shut my eyes, still hoping I'm dreaming.

I woke up, still in the hospital room, feeling a little better than before.

I managed to sit up and heard a couple of people footsteps coming towards the room.

Isabelle, Nash, Hazel, Cameron, Zoe and Jack J entered the room, all looking pretty depressed.

'Hi Tay' Cameron said, a fake smile plastered on his face. He had his arm around Hazel and it looked like her, Zoe and Izzie have been crying. I started to become worried.

'H-How's Ava?' I asked.

'She's still not awake' Nash said, playing with his fingers.

I covered my face with my hands, and let the tears start rolling down my face.

This was all my fault. I did this to her. I was the one who put her in that coma. I was the one behind the wheel, and now I have to pay the price.

Nash sat on the bed next to me and rubbed my back. Hazel started speaking softly to me, but I couldn't even hear what she was saying, my crying was so loud.

Just then, a doctor came into my room and introduced himself.

He started saying all these stuff about my condition and stuff like that, blah blah blah. But then he said I could see Ava tonight.

I thought in my head what I was going to say to her. I heard that people in a coma can sometimes hear everything. So that night, I gained the courage to go see my beautiful Ava.

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