Chapter 3

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Hazels POV

Later that night, the 5 of us who didn't go home went to Katies. We always went into Katies. It was Katie, Nash, Isabelle, Cierra and I on her sofa, watching Orphan. It was Nash's idea to watch a scary movie. I'm certain it was an excuse to cuddle Isabelle. They were cuddling. I kept looking at Isabelle. She's seen this movie a hundred times, I know she doesn't find it scary. Ohhh kinky carmel.

Halfway through the movie, katie and I just talked threw it all, making horrible jokes and falling off the seat laughing. The amount of inside jokes we made that night.

At the end of the movie, Izzies head was on Nash's chest and he had his arm around her. He grabbed a blanket from behind him and put it around them. So, to annoy them, I did the same but to Cierra. The expression on their faces was priceless.

After a lot of singing 'do you got a bae...or nah' and being taught how to twerk, we all were exhausted and fell asleep on the couch.

I woke to the sun coming in through the shutters and the sound of Nash snoring. Isabelle was still resting against him. Aw cute!

I told Katie I had to go home and I left, still in the clothes I wore last night.

I unlocked my front door and went straight to bed. It was only 10am so my parents weren't up yet. After all, it is the summer.

Isabelle's POV

So, Nash and I are going out again. After that kiss last night, he asked me. I'm really happy we can be together again. I missed him.

I loved waking up and looking into his bright blue eyes. Something I don't love is waking up to Katie and Cierra trying to learn the lyrics to a Nicki Minaj song. It's pretty funny though.

I kicked the blanket off me and pecked Nash's cheek. I could smell pancakes from the kitchen next door. I loved Katie's mom. Nash and I stood up and followed the girls into the kitchen to eat.

Lucy's POV

After last night, I can't get Carter out if my head. I really liked him. I was texting him all last night in bed. He's always been nice to me, but after that kiss, I've had butterflies in my stomach whenever I think about him. I don't want to tell him I like him though, it would ruin our friendship.

Hazels POV

I woke up at 12 and literally rolled out if bed. I lay on the floor of my room with my phone in my hand. I scrolled through twitter, occasionally dropping my iPhone on my face. Teenage problems, am I right ladies?

I left my phone charging in my room and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Since we just came down from New York two days ago for the summer, we haven't exactly gotten a lot if food for the house. I managed to get a small bowl of Cheerios and ate them in silence. I put my bowl in the sink and saw a note next to the sink.

'Gone to run errands. we'll be home by 4. There's pasta in the pantry' it read.

Empty house, YAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!! Time to do what I do when I'm not home alone, but I'm actually alone.

I strolled back into my bedroom and saw I have three texts.

Cameron- 'Hey Hazel, wanna go to the mall later?'

Matt- 'hey, wuut?'

Ava- 'Bitch, where u at. I wanna get foooooooood!'

I laughed at Ava's text and replied with 'Sorry, going out with Cameron'

I texted Cameron back saying I'll be ready in 15 minutes.

I put on dark denim high waisted shorts, a baby pink crop top with a lace back and floral print vans.

I did my usual makeup and grabbed my phone, my keys and money, texting back Matt on my way out. I also had my penny board with me. it's coral pink with mint green wheels.

I started to walk towards Cameron's house, hearing the waves crashing against the shore at the beach. I past most if my friends summer houses. All of them were identical. white panelled, two stories and a basement. There was also a lot of bright, colourful flowers and palm trees around. I breathed in the sea air, so happy that summer was finally here.

I met Cameron on the way to his house. He looked really nice. He can actually dress properly, unlike other guys.

'Hey Hazel' he said, smiling at me. 'You look nice'

'Thanks, you too' I replied.

Cameron had his penny board too, so we skated to the mall. it isn't that far away. it was pretty big aswell. Once we got in there, Cameron practically begged me to take him to Victoria Secrets.

'Your my excuse to go in there. Your a girl' he said.

'Thanks for noticing. Fine, lets go' I said, walking towards the store.

It was pretty funny inside though. Cameron kept holding up lace underwear saying 'Do you want this one?'

After leaving Victoria Secrets, we went to a couple of other stores when I finally said 'I'm hungryyyyyy'

'Your always hungry' he said, laughing.

'True, but that's not the point. C'mon' I said dragging him into the food court.

It was almost 4 when we left the mall. I had a really good time. spending a couple of hours with Cameron alone was amazing. I really like him.

When we got home, I got a text saying that we were going to hang out in Carters later, all of our group I think.

I got home just before my parents. They had gotten food from the store and I swear, my eyes lit up when I saw those bags full of food.

My mom made dinner and we all ate, talking and telling eachother about our days. I soon finished and cleaned my plate. Then I went upstairs to get ready to go to Carters later.

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