Chapter 11

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A/n From now on the characters Sarah, Matt and Katie won't be in the story anymore. sorry, there just not doing anything and I feel I have too many characters.

Song-john ball-on my own

Nash's POV

I was sitting on the steps on my front porch in the darkness, the only light from the windows and the street lamp at the end of the road. I had cried myself out. I had really blown it this time. I...I slapped Isabelle. My temper has gotten out of hand. And I even told her the truth, but she wouldn't listen. Now she won't ever forgive me. I was stuck here, right at the beginning of the summer. How can I ever face her again.

Maybe I should apologise. I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life, letting her slip through my fingers like that. I told her I wouldn't ever hurt her again, but guess what, I broke that promise and I'm not sure if she'll ever forgive me. I love her and I ruined that. I ruined our trust together. I just made our problem worse. I'm on my own now. She's such an amazing person, I don't deserve her. She should probably find someone else and move on. I'm scared I'll hurt her again, that's if she ever forgave me. She's like a fragile china doll and I'm the strongest man in the world. I love her, but I made the mistake, and now I have to pay.

All of a sudden, I heard loud footsteps coming closer and closer towards me. I looked up to see...Luke.

Did Isabelle tell him I hit her? He probably got it out of her. He's going to kick my ass, and that's a fact.

I'm so screwed. My heart started racing. I shot up like a rocket and tried to run inside, but tripped on one the steps. I fell pretty bad, but that was the least of my worries at the moment. I ignored the searing pain in my body and tried to limp inside, but Luke caught me by my hood and pulled me back.

'You asshole, you hit my little sister!' Luke said, punching me in my stomach. I doubled over in pain, clutching my stomach.

'I'm s-sorry...I-I didn't mean-' but I was cut off by a knee in the balls. Son of a bitch.

I could barely stay conscious, I was being punched and kicked so hard. Luke was tall and strong, towering above me. This could be the worst pain I've ever received.

He finally stopped, making me fall to the damp, hard concrete of the pavement. I groaned when I hit the floor, and I saw Luke's feet walk away. I couldn't even stand up. So that's what I did, lay there on the pavement, clutching my sides, hardly able to breathe. But I deserve the pain I got. I got hurt the way I hurt Isabelle.

Isabelle's POV

I heard the front door open and saw Luke storm over to me. I stood up and looked up at him.

'Don't let me ever hear or see you having anything to do with that piece of shit' Luke spat.

I nodded, unable to say a word. Then Luke walked away, into his bedroom.

There was so many things going through my mind. Was Nash okay? Should I really stay away from him? Should I forgive him? Do I even love him? That last one I knew the answer to.

Yes, I still love Nash Grier.

I trudged upstairs and got under the covers. I was sweating and my face was damp from crying. I needed to see if he was okay. But I knew I couldnt. If Luke heard me leave, he would kill Nash.

Taylor's POV

I woke up in Ava's bed. Don't worry, it's not what you think. I glanced over at her. She was snoring quietly. I didn't want to wake her, so I lay back down, facing her. Her blonde hair was in a braid, little strands of hair over her face. I moved one strand and put it behind her ear.

I heard someone clear their throat and turned around to see Ava's cousin, Kian.

Shit, this is awkward.

'Um hi Kian' I said awkwardly, looking at him

standing there in the doorway.

He looked back at me unimpressed.

'What...Did u guys...?' he trailed off, knowing I knew what he was going to say.

'Cause if you did, it's kinda my job to, um, kick your ass..' Kian said.

I shook my head, laughing slightly.

'No, we didn't Kian. No need to worry....Or kick my ass' I replied. Of course I'm not going to tell him I gave his cousin cocaine.

He nodded at me awkwardly, and left the room.

I rested my head back on the pillow to realise that Ava was awake. Her bright eyes blinked at me.

'Morning' she said, grinning at me.

'Morning beautiful' I said back.

She looked past me and looked out her bedroom window. The sun was shining through her shutters.

'Uh, what time is it?' she asked me.

'I dunno, probably around 11' I replied.

She nodded and shut her eyes again. She's right, there's no point getting up, its summer time.

I closed my eyes and slowly fell back asleep.

Nash's POV

After last night, after lying on the street for ages, I finally dragged myself inside to bed. The pain was shooting all through my body. There was only one word in my mind.


I shook my head, trying to get her out of my mind. I got under my duvet and tried to get to sleep. That obviously didn't work, so I scrolled through nearly every social media I own. I finally got to sleep.

I was waken up to the sound of Skylnn screaming downstairs and the sound of birds chirping. Nearly every part of my body hurt. I grunted when I rose up. This day isn't going to be easy.

Can I even face anyone anymore, never mind Isabelle? I need to get her out of my head. I needed to change my Twitter profile picture. It was me and Isabelle cuddling on the beach.

I scrolled through my Camera Roll, hoping to find a suitable picture when all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, one caught my eye.

It was of me and Aria at the start of last summer. We weren't going out, but she was actually okay back then. Nobody hated her guts back then is what I mean.

The picture is just a normal selfie but, I don't know, I just caught my eye. I sighed. I couldn't do this. Anyone but Aria. After a lot of debating in my mind, I settled of one of Cameron, Taylor and I.

I put my phone down and went downstairs to the kitchen. My mom wasn't around this morning, she said she had to run some errands, so it was just Hayes, Sky and I. Will had gone somewhere aswell.

I grabbed some Cinnamon Toast Crunch from the pantry and got out the milk. After eating my breakfast, I decided to watch some OITNB in my room. And that's when I fell back asleep.

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