Chapter 21

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Song-Helplessy-Tatiana Manaois

Carter's POV

I have to find Lucy.

I'm scared for her. She's all alone outside at 5am somewhere. She needs someone, she needs me. I'm so afraid that something bad will happen to her. I've tried calling her 7 times. God, where is she?!

I grabbed my coat from the back of one of the dining room chairs and rushed out the door. I ran out into the cold air outside, looking left and right, deciding which way to go. I decide to go to the front of the hospital and start from there, since that's where Lucy ran off.

I sprinted off into the darkness, hearing my footsteps bang against the concrete.

Knowing Lucy, I knew she wouldn't go somewhere that we could find her. So I didn't bother checking the pier or the beach or her house. If it comes to it, I will.

The wind blew in my face as I ran to the front of the hospital. I looked at those hospital doors, remembering all the things that happened in there tonight. I shook my head, trying to forget.

I went in the opposite direction that I came in, and while I ran, looked left and right, calling out Lucy's name.

I tried calling her again, but no such luck.

I began to panic and raced off straight ahead, still calling her name.

After about 20 minutes of running around, I stopped and doubled over. I was exhausted and sweaty, still determined on finding her.

Ava's POV

I tried and tried to open my eyes, to see everyone again. I could hear them, hear their familiar voices. I was stuck. It was like I was behind bars, unable to speak or see anyone again. I tried to move, to even flinch. I...I just couldn't. I wanted to scream out, to tell them I was here. Move Ava, move! I couldn't do this anymore. Trying to be set free from this coma was agonising. Don't give up Ava.

Nash's POV

Cameron and I walked into Ava's room with everyone else. Taylor was there too.

'Guys, I'm worried' I said, looking down at my feet.

Izzie ran up to me and embraced me in a hug.

'We all are Nash' Isabelle said to me, cuddling into my chest.

We all turned at looked at our friend, Ava. Poor girl. Why did this have to happen to her.

'Whats.... what's gonna happen i-if she doesn't....doesn't wake up..?' Jack J said.

'She will, I know it' Kian said, determined.

We all nodded in agreement. I know she will too. Ava's strong and she'll fight this. Nobody is going to stop Ava from waking up. We need her.

I wrapped my arms tighter around Izzie's back and then Jack spoke up.

'Guys, I'm sorry for bringing Carter into this. He's still my friend and...and I just thought it would be ok' Jack said.

'It's okay Jack. You didn't know how anyone was going to react' Cameron said.

Carter's POV

I sat on the curb, crying into my hands. It's my fault Lucy left. What if something happens to her?

I can't let something happen to her. I began walking again, gaining speed as I travelled on my two feet.

'Lucy.....Lucy?!' I yelled every couple of seconds, just hoping I would find her. I reached a part of town that I didn't know. It had a closed down corner store, some old apartments, lots of broken street lamps and a bus stop.

I sat on the bus stop seat, looking around. Lucy wouldn't have come her, would she? I walked around, screaming out her name. Nothing.

I sat back down on the bus seat and felt something under me. It was a white iPhone 5s. I unlocked it. Lucy's phone?!

It was definitely Lucy's phone. I knew her password and everything. She told me it last year and I guess she never changed it. There was one thing different about the phone though. Lucy's phone had a couple of scratches on it, but this one was completely broken. The screen was all cracked and the edges were nearly gone. It looked like this phone went through a lot. What happened? What happened to Lucy?!

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