Chapter 37

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Song-walking on cars-hand in hand

Abi's POV

'She's gay?' Aria laughed, he head falling back. I nodded.

'What a freak' Aria said, still giggling.

Aria, Jack G and I sat in my living room, talking about Hannah. Aria couldn't stop laughing.

'Im not surprised' Jack G muttered.

'She's always flirting with me and everything' Aria explained, playing with her extremely long brown hair.

'Same, it's like she's obsessed with me or something' I said back.

'Hey, wanna go to the House?' Aria asked, jumping up. The House was this old abandoned house around 10 minutes walk away. It was surrounded by barely anything and it was all boarded up, but years ago, we found a way to get in there. It was kind of like our secret hideout. All of our friends go there.

'Yeah sure. Jack, you comin'?' I asked him.

Jack looked up suddenly. 'What? Oh yeah, okay' he said.

We all walked out of mine and began travelling to the House.

When we got there, Jack went in front and moved the big pieces of wood away from the door. He opened the door and gestured for us to enter.

Once we got inside the dark room, we heard voices.

'Oh shit..' Aria mumbled.

Isabelle, Nash, Cameron, Carter, Hannah and Jack J were there, sitting down on the floor.

'Hey Hannah' Aria said, smirking at Hannah. Hannah looked down, clenching her fists.

Hannah's POV

I was so mad. How could Abi tell that bitch? I just told everyone else here because I knew they would understand, which they all did. They actually congratulated me on coming out. I guess not everyone is as mean spirited as "some people".

'Leave her alone Aria. Don't you have another manwhore to fuck?' Jack J said, smiling slightly at his comeback. Jack wrapped his arms around me.

Aria rolled her eyes. 'Tell her what a freak she is, Jack' she said, looking at Gillinsky.

Jack G looked at her wide-eyed. He was perfectly okay with saying mean things around her with us, but not to her face. Aria folded her arms across her chest.

'Tell her now!' Aria shouted. I guess Jack G suddenly got courage.

'You're such a weirdo Hannah. Go get a guy for Gods sake! You're a gay and you're not normal. You're just a-' Jack said, but was stopped by Hannah standing up and punching him in the stomach.

'What did you say, dickhead?' she yelled, kicking him in the balls. He fell onto the cold, hard floor, groaning.

Hannah smiled at Jack's moaning body on the floor. Suddenly, Jack got up and punched her right in the face.

'Woah, woah!' Nash screamed, standing up and rushing over.

'Slut!' Gillinsky yelled at Hannah, punching her in the stomach. Hannah hit him back, anger in her eyes.

'Get the fuck off eachother!' Nash yelled, trying to break the two up.

'Go away Nash. No one even wants you here!' Hannah screamed. Ohhhh harsh.

Nash shouted something and punched Hannah right in the face.

'Oh shit!' someone said.

'Nash?!' Isabelle screamed at him, but he ignored her.

Hannah's nose was bleeding and she wiped the blood off her face. She looked at Nash, pure anger written all over her face.

'Just go kill yourself' Jack G said to Hannah, smirking.

'You asshole!' she shouted, charging at him. He pushed her away, making her fall to the floor. Hannah lay there, and instead of getting up, she just lay there, clutching her sides. Tears began to roll down her face.

Lucy and Isabelle ran over to Hannah, helping her up and wiping her face with their sleeves.

'You asswipe!' Nash yelled at Jack G, kicking him. They began to tear eachother apart, until Cameron and Carter broke them up.

Nash had tears in his eyes and had a cut in his face.

Jack G's nose was bleeding badly and so was his lip. He also had a lot of bruises forming on his arms.

The four boys left the House, leaving us there, awkwardly standing.

Isabelle was staring at the door where Nash and them exited. She was running her fingers through her hair as Lucy tried to console Hannah.

'You're not a freak. You're not different' Lucy was mumbling to Hannah. Hannah looked straight ahead silently.

What the hell just happened?

Isabelle's POV


I dragged myself home and lay on my bed, face first. My cheek was burning. I can't believe Nash hit me, Nash! I guess I knew he always had a temper, but this?! He crossed the line. But.....but I can't leave him, can I? I know it sounds stupid, but I do still love him.

-End of Flashback-

I needed to leave, leave the House. I need to speak to Nash. I can't leave him. This was a mistake. He made a mistake that's all...right?

Why is being with Nash so hard. I do love him though, with all my heart. Nobody's perfect, I guess.

I stood up without saying anything. I walked past Aria and hissed 'What's wrong with you?' before leaving. I walked outside and shoved my hands into my pockets.

It was just getting dark. The sun was setting so it was a beautiful pink, orange, red and purple. I stared at the sky, and it distracted me for a bit. Distracted me from this shit that's going on.

'Nash?!' I called into the distance, but heard no reply.

I called again, but no answer. Where would Carter and Cam take them.


'I knew you guys would be here' I said, smirking slightly. I sat down next to the four boys on the pier.

Nash and Jack G's scars were all bandaged and cleaned but they still looked messed up. They were obviously not sitting next to eachother. the order went Jack, Carter, me, Cameron and Nash.

I sighed and looked at Nash. His blue eyes were full of tears.

'I-I need to you, Isabelle' Nash mumbled. I nodded, and reluctantly stood up and walked away with Nash.

At this point he was bawling his eyes out.

'I can't control myself. I hit you and Hannah?! I'm a horrible person. Why...why did I do it, Izzie? I don't even know myself. I get angry and react. I did it again. I fucked up big time. I can't be with you Isabelle. I'm going to hurt you again....'

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