Chapter 22

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Song-Run-Jasmine Thompson

Ava's POV

I wanted to tell Nash not to worry. That I was okay and that I was going to wake up. I have to wake up. I'm not staying like this forever. And I'm not dying either. I'm choosing not to die.

I won't give up. My friends and family need me. Taylor needs me and I need him. I will be strong and get through this. Don't doubt me on that one.

Lucy's POV

I ran and ran and ran. Ran away from that creepy place. I didn't stop running for miles, I was so scared. My heart was pounding and I was extremely out I breath.

Finally I stopped, knowing he's not following me. He won't follow me.

I sat down on a bench on the pavement and rested my head on my hands. My breathing was going back to normal and my heart stopped racing. I knew he couldn't find me again.

Carter won't find me.

How did Carter find me? He was calling my name and everything. Did he actually walk all that way just to find me?

I couldn't let him find me. I just wanted to be alone.

I reached around in my pockets for my phone, but I couldn't find it. Did I drop it back there? Probably. Well shit.

'Lucy?!' I heard from a distance.

I jumped. Carter?

I jolted up and looked. It was definitely Carter. He saw me and started running towards me. I raced away, not wanting to see or speak to him.

'Lucy! Stop! Please!' he yelled. I still ran, panting.

I tried to outrun him, but Carter was really fast. He sprinted up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I whinced in pain. Carter was really strong.

'Lucy, please come back. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for calling you all those things and I'm sorry for starting drama. I'm sorry if I offended you and if I hurt you. That was never my intention. I never wanted to hurt you Lucy. I was just mean to you because.....because I like you'. He finished.

Carter's POV

I finished what I was saying. And I really did mean it. I said I found her annoying, but I guess when she left, deep down, I knew I had a crush on her and that I blew it.

I grabbed her hand and she didn't pull back.

'I really like you Lucy' I said softly.

'I...I do too' she said quietly, looking down at her feet.

'You do?' I asked surprised, causing her to look up at me.

She nodded, smiling at me.

I smiled back, absolutely content.

I wrapped my arm around her and ushered her back. Not to the hospital, but back to the summer homes.

We reached my house, empty and quiet, and instead of going inside, we sat on my porch steps.

'W-Will you be my girlfriend' I blurted out, embarrassed and shy.

She looked surprised.

'Carter. This can't happen. You can't just treat me like shit and then want me to be your girlfriend. It doesn't work like that'.

'We can be the difference. Who says things can't change? I've changed Lucy, I swear I have' I said.

She shook her head.

'Carter, this is insane. I do like you. I really do. But how do I know you've changed?'

Just then I kissed her. Just like that, our lips connected. Her lips were soft and we moved in sync. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer towards her. I pushed a piece of hair out of her face.

We both pulled back and I looked at her in her eyes.

'Does that answer you're question?' I asked, smirking.

She laughed at me.

'I don't want to hurt you Lucy. I did those things to you because...because I was scared to admit how I felt. I took my anger out on you and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I'll never hurt you again' I said.

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

'Yes, yeah I will' she said, grinning at my, clutching my hand.

I was so relieved. Things escalated quickly.

Cameron's POV

I woke up on one of the sofas in the hospital's large waiting room, Hazel lying asleep resting on my chest.

Hazel's tanned arms were wrapped around my waist and her long, blonde hair was sprawled around. She was snoring softly. She looked so peaceful.

I rested my chin on the top of her head. She opened her big, blue-green eyes and looked up at me.

'Hey' she whispered. I grinned at her. She sat up and yawned.

'What time is it?' she asked, rubbing her eyes.

I looked at my phone.

'10:25am' I replied, locking my iPhone.

'Where's everyone else?' Hazel asked me.

'Either in the waiting room or at home' I said, pointing at Zoe, Johnson and Cierra scattered on the sofa's.

'Kian, Isabelle and Nash went home' I said.

'So, what...what about Lucy?' she asked, slightly worried.

I shrugged, unable to answer the question. I ran my fingers through my messy hair.

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