Chapter 30

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Song-Wild Life-Jack and Jack

Hazel's POV

I eventually decided I was going to go to Ava's party. I definitely needed to get out of the house. And besides, what could go wrong?

Ava texted me saying to dress up a little bit, so I threw on a black tight skirt, a coral pink crop/tank top and small enough black heels.

I turned on my curling wand and waited for it to heat up. While waiting, I checked the time. It was 7:10pm and the party started at 8pm so I had plenty of time.

I curled my hair and after that, put on my makeup.

I grabbed my phone and my money and left the house at 8:05.

When I arrived, half of the people were there. Scattered around Ava's large living room as kitchen were Kian, Jack J, Zoe, Cierra, Abi, Cameron and Taylor.

Once Cam laid eyes on me, he ran over and smiled.

'You look gorgeous' he said, taking my hand.

'Thanks' I replied, blushing. 'You look pretty good yourself'.

He boyishly grinned at me. He did look great. He was wearing jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a red flannel. He also was wearing his black vans.

He kissed me and then escorted me to the kitchen. They're were red solo cups everywhere and a couple of people standing around talking. They're were also snacks and drinks on the table. And if I'm not mistaken, most of the drinks were alcoholic.

Ava yelled my name behind me, causing me to jump.

'Hey Hazel!' she shouted, so I could hear her over the blaring music.

'Hi Ava!' I replied, grinning.

'Feel free to take whatever you want' she said, winking, pointing at the alcohol.

'My parents aren't here' she whispered, smirking.

I laughed at her and she skipped away to go greet Nash, Izzie and Hannah.

I grabbed a cup and began opening one of the bottles. Cameron grabbed my wrist.

'Are you sure you want to drink tonight?' he asked, concerned.

I nodded, smiling.

'Yeah, I'm sure' I said, pouring the clear liquid into a cup and into another one for Cam. We both grabbed our cups and strolled into the living room.

All our friends had arrived and they're were even some people I have never met before.

I could barely hear what anyone was saying over the screaming and the pumping music.

Throughout the night, I could feel myself getting dizzier and clumsier by the minute.

'Scoot over bitches!' I shouted, pushing past Nash and Isabelle making out. Third wheel much?

'Cammy! Ma bruh! Where you at?' I screamed looking around for Cameron.

I felt an arm wrapped around my wrist and looked at its owner.

A very sober Carter was looking down at me.

'C'mon Hazel, let's get you outta here for a bit' Carter said, ushering me upstairs.

The sound of the music slowly faded as we entered Ava's bedroom. It was empty and somewhat quiet.

Carter walked me into Ava's en-suite and lifted me up and placed me on the counter.

'Here' he said, handing me a red solo cup with clear liquid.

I shook my head.

'It's only water, I swear' Carter assured me.

I took the cup and downed it. It was definitely water.

He looked around in the cupboards and found a cloth. He ran it under the water and dabbed my forehead.

'It's cooooollldd! I don't like iiiiit! I screamed, shaking my head.

He laughed at me, but continued dabbing my face.

'I wanna go back partying! I want all my bitches back!' I screamed, hopping off the counter.

'No Hazel' Carter said sternly, putting me back up on the counter.

I pouted and folded my arms like a child not aloud to go on a theme park ride.

He tried not to laugh but failed miserably. I laughed with him.

He got me more water and handed me the cup and I drank it all, very slowly, but surely, sobering up.

'Oh god' I said, covering my mouth.

I was gonna puke, I was gonna puke.

I jumped off the counter and raced over to the toilet.

Oh god, I just threw up.

I felt someone hold my hair back and pat my back. I turned around to see Carter half-smiling at me. I turned back around and emptied my stomach in the toilet. Wow, I'm classy as hell.

I felt so bad that Carter had to take care of me. I wasn't his problem. I drank too much and that's my mistake, not his.

Nash's POV

Laughing hysterically, I got up off the floor, dragging Isabelle up with me. We were a little tipsy, I guess you could say. We continued dancing with Jack J, Cierra, Abi, Hannah and Kian.

Next to us were Taylor, Ava, Lucy and some other people I didn't know drinking.

Next to them were Jack G and Aria making out, as usual.

They're were random people in the kitchen and the other side of the living room aswell. The place was packed.

'My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!' we all sang, practically screaming in eachother's faces.

'Move' said a voice, pushing past me. I turned around to see Aria. Ugh, why was she even here?

Her and Jack G pushed past me, both giving me evil looks. Jesus, what got in their pants?

They ran up the stairs, hand in hand, giggling. What the hell were they up to?

Endless Summer-A Magcon Fan FicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora