Chapter 50

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Song-Why Try- Ariana Grande

Hazels POV

Everyone's leaving tomorrow. Yep, this is it. The bags are packed and the house spotless. Summer was over.

Tonight, everyone is going to hang out for the last night. No big party or anything, just a goodbye thing.

I've had this feeling since Cam left and it's killing me. I know he's only gone home, but it feels like he's gone forever.

I've been face timing and texting him the whole time he's been gone, but it isn't enough. I need to have him next to me. To hold me and to make me feel amazing and safe and warm. But there's nothing to be gained by worrying about something that you can't change.

Nothing that amazing had happened since Cam left. Just going out for food or going to the beach. No parties no drama.

I felt like that put everyone in a positive mood for the end of the summer though. If everyone left feeling mad or upset, that would've ruined the whole thing.

I was in the living room with Aaron and we were just on our phones. It was only 10am so we weren't rushing to do anything.

I stared at the boxes and suitcases on the ground in front of us. I can't believe so summer went so fast. It's strange.

'Sad?' Aaron asked, noticing me staring at our stuff.

I shrugged. 'Kinda' I murmured.

'It's okay. You'll still keep in touch with everyone' he said brightly.

I nodded and smiled.

'Are you sad? I mean, you were only here for about half the summer' I said.

'Yeah, I guess I am. I've gotten really good friends with everyone' he said, looking at me.

'I feel ya bruh' I said and he chuckled.

'Anyway, what's happening tonight?' Aaron asked me.

'I think were going to the beach' I said.

'I'll text Ava. She'll know' I said, typing on my phone.

Around 2 minutes after sending the text, Ava replied with 'Ya, it's at the beach. Be there at 7:30 😉😘'.

I explained to Aaron what was happening and then went upstairs to my room.

I got under the hot water of my shower and washed my body and my hair.

Drying myself off, I chose to wear black high waisted shorts, a grey loose tank top and a flannel around my waist, finishing the look with my vans.

I did my make up and hair and lay on my bed, scrolling through my phone.

My phone beeped and Cam ❤️😘😊 came up on my screen. I smiled when I saw his name.

'Hey, whatcha up to?' the text read.

As I began texting him back, a nook was on my door.

Micheal appeared in my doorway.

'Hey Hazel. You packed?' he asked me, smiling.

'Yeah I am. It's all downstairs' I said.

As Micheal began to leave the room, he stopped and turned around, facing me.

'I..I hope you don't think I'm replacing your dad' he said, out of the blue.

'It's okay' I said plainly.

'I....Nevermind' Micheal said, leaving my room and shutting the door behind him.

What was that all about? He waits almost two months to say that?

Endless Summer-A Magcon Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now