Chapter 6

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Hazels POV
After I had finished crying I went back to everyone. I sat down next to Cameron and cuddled against him. He put his arm around me, making me feel safe.

'You ok?' he asked me.

'Yeah, fine' I replied.

For the rest of the night I didn't really speak much. I was honestly scared and creeped out. I didn't want anything to do with him again. But that obviously can't happen because he's friends with everyone else.

At around 2 in the morning, everyone left, expect Cameron. He was staying the night. We went inside into my dim lit living room and sat down.

'Wanna watch a movie?' I asked him.

'Yeah sure' he replied, smiling at me.

I travelled upstairs to my room and grabbed my laptop from my bed. I entered the living room again, charger trailing behind me.

Cameron was sitting near the end of the sofa with a blanket in his hand, smirking at me. I laughed and sat next to him, letting the soft fabric of the blanket cover us.

I opened up Netflix on my laptop, and after no debating at all, we watched Finding Nemo, one of my all time favourite movies.

We had popcorn in a large bowl in our hands and began throwing popcorn pieces at eachother half way through the movie.

Giggling, I got up off the sofa with a handful of popcorn, and one by one, I was throwing them at Cameron.

Sneaky bastard, he had the bowl.

While popcorn was being thrown at me and the floor by Cam, I was trying to get popcorn out of my hair.

Suddenly, I couldn't feel my feet on the floor and there were two strong arms around my torso, and there was a chin on my shoulder. Cameron whispered in my ear 'I win' and he winked at me.

He spun me around, still holding me tightly, making me wish this moment would never end. Then he placed me gently on the sofa and flopped down next to me, only to notice the movie had ended.

'Okay, let me pick the movie now' he said, and turned the laptop so I couldn't see. I could hear him tying quickly and them a click. He positioned the laptop where we could both see again and the movie began to play. He put on The Conjuring.

Bruh, I've seen this movie, and it's not scary at all. But I could tell what he was doing. So, like any other love struck teenage girl, I decide to play along and pretend to be scared.

Cameron casually put his arm around me and I snuggled in closer to him. Were 3/4 way through the movie and I may have taken the 'be scared' thing to far.

Saying 'Oh my god, Cameron, did you see that, ahhhh, oh my god, Cam!' really loudly I think was going to far. Oh well, he still believed I was scared.

Around the very end of the movie, I could feel myself drifting off. My eyes were completely shut, and the last thing I can remember before I feel asleep was Cameron stroking my hair and whispering 'I love you, Hazel' very quietly, but I could hear.

Cameron's POV
I woke up looking next to me and seeing Hazel fast asleep. Her blonde hair was all over the pillow and she was snoring really quietly. She was so cute when she sleeped.

I stood up slowly, adjusting myself so I didn't wake up Hazel and shut off Hazels laptop. Next to it, was Hazels phone, which immediately lit up, implying that she had a text. I didn't want to read it, but one glance at the phone, I noticed that it was only from her mom. It read 'Your dad and I went down to sunbathe on the beach with Cierra's mom, just in case you were wondering where we are'.

I shook Hazels shoulder gently to wake her up. She slowly lifted her head saying 'Hey' in her cute morning voice.

I tried not to smile and continued telling her that I was a nosy boyfriend and she got a text from her mom, telling her where she was.

Hazel nodded, obviously unimpressed that I woke her up for this.

'C'mon, let's make some breakfast' she said, all bubbly and awake all of a sudden, taking my hand and dragging me into her kitchen.

Hazels kitchen was like everyone else's who has a summer home here, white with oak wood, with a large island with two stools and brightly lit. There was also a small oak breakfast table in the corner, with a fruit bowl in the middle. Hazels summer house was really homely.

Hazel got out pancake mix and put it on the island. She smirked at me. She knew I was horrible at making pancakes.

'Just don't even....' I said, shaking my head.

She shrugged. 'Fine, I'll make them, you can put the Nutella on them' she said, winking at me.

She ushered me to get the Nutella, a butter knife and two spoons, for us to use to eat out of the tub while we're waiting.

She got a frying pan and butter and looked at me, holding up the frying pan.

'Watch out, I've seen Tangled' she giggled.

We began making the pancakes.... pretty badly, but in the end they tasted nice.

We sat at the island, eating out pancakes with Nutella, complimenting my Nutella spreading skills.

'I'm just too fab for you' I said, flipping my short hair.

She laughed. God, her laugh was adorable. I loved making her laugh. Then I remembered last night, when she was the opposite of happy. I knew she was after crying, bit I didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone else. Then I got the courage to ask her.

'Um Hazel?'. She looked up. 'Why were you so upset last night?' I asked, a little worried.

She shook her head. 'I don't want to talk about it' she said quietly, with her head down.

I lifted her head with my finger. 'Please Hazel, I want to know what's bothering you. I want to help'.

'Fine......' she said.

'Cartertriedtokissme' she said really quickly.

'What? I didn't catch any of that'

'Carter tried to kiss me' she said slowly, burying her head in her hands.

I wrapped my arms around her. I swear to God, I'm going to kill him. He's meant to be my best friend. I was raging. I'm not going to let anyone else touch Hazel. I didn't tell Hazel that I was raging, because she would try to stop me. I will protect her.

She looked up at me, with tears in here eyes. 'Arent you mad?' she asked worried.

I shook my head. 'It's not your fault. It's that son of a bitch, Carter' I said, clenching my fists.

'Dont.....dont do anything...okay Cameron?' she said, between tears.

'I promise' I said back. But that's a promise I can't keep.

*************Thanks for reading! Vote and comment and tell me what you guys think 😊


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