Chapter 47

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Song-Beauty Sings-Tatiana Manaois

Hazel's POV

Please don't end. Please, never let this moment end. I never want this day to end.

My head rested on Cameron's shoulder as we sat in the back seat of the taxi, staring out on to the night time city lights of LA.

Cameron's arm was around my shoulder and even when he just touches me, I get this feeling I can't describe. A feeling that can change your mood instantly. A feeling that I wish could last forever.

I watched the street lights glow and the people walk as I stared out the window of the taxi. I can't believe tomorrow is my last day with Cam. He leaves early the next day. The day that I'm dreading.

I hope that when we both go back to school, we can still see each other. I can't imagine not being with him. It's going to break my heart seeing him go.

I shut my eyes, trying to forget about it. My eyes stayed shut all the way back to my house. Cam was going to stay the night.

When I felt the taxi stop, I didn't even open my eyes. I was too tired. I felt like I was asleep already.

I heard Cam talk to the driver then unbuckle my seatbelt slowly. He picked me up bridal style and shut the door with his elbow.

I nuzzled into his chest, feeling his heart beat.

The sound of the front door opening is what I heard and Aaron's voice. Cam walked inside, me still in his arms.

Cameron walked up the stairs and rested me down on my bed in my room.

I decided now was a good time to open my eyes.

'Hey beautiful' Cam said, when he noticed my eyes were open.

'Hi' I whispered.

Cameron leaned in his lips connecting with mine. The feeling came over me again. The butterflies.

I snaked my arms around his neck, grabbing on to his hair. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him, his torso touching mine.

I bit his lip gently and we made out, his hands touching my skin.

He began kissing my neck as my hands touched the back of his neck.

His lips slowly came back up to mine, softly kissing me.


My eyes opened slowly, revealing Cam sleeping next to me. The sun was emerging through my shutters and the shadow was upon Cams face.

His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I didn't want to, but I got out of bed, slowly moving Cameron's arms so I didn't wake him up.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Yikes.

Oh shit. Please say it's a bruise. Please say it's a bruise.

Nope, I had to get a goddamn hickey. And believe me, it was noticeable.

I fumbled through my make up bag and found concealer and attempted to cover it up. It made a slight difference, but it was still visible.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and to my dresser. I decided to wear a black and white "Explicit Content" t-shirt tucked into high waisted shorts and an oversized denim jacket.

Strolling back into the bathroom, I brushed my blonde hair, every strand landing around my waist.

I did my make up, making sure I covered the hickey as much as I could. The collar of the jacket hid it anyway.

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