Chapter 24

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Song-Drop your guard-Jasmine Thompson (Acoustic)

Ava's POV

I....I did it. I-I opened my eyes. I'm awake, I'm awake!

'I'm awake!' I yelled at the top of my lungs. It was amazing. Amazing to be able to speak again.

I looked at me hands, moving my fingers. I could move, I could speak!

Taylor came rushing into the room. His eyes lot up when we saw me there, sitting up and moving. I'm sure my eyes lit up aswell.

He ran over to me and squeezed me as tightly as he could. I wrapped my arms around him. I had Taylor back. I knew how much he wanted me back aswell.

'I heard you. Everything you said, I heard' I sobbed into his shoulder. He was crying his eyes out too.

He moved back, still clutching onto my shoulders.

' did?' he asked me.

I nodded, smiling my biggest smile.

'Oh my god. Ava....' Taylor said softly.

'I forgive you Taylor. I forgive you for something you didn't even want to happen to me. Hearing you say those things made me know you didn't want it to happen. You made me feel loved and safe. I wanted to wake up, to tell you I could hear you and that I loved and missed you too. I-I knew you didn't want those things to happen. I know you love and care for me just as much as I love and care for you. It was OUR mistake. Were teenagers, we make stupid mistakes. But I don't want to live my life not learning from my mistakes. I missed you Taylor. I missed being with you, kissing you, hugging you. You don't realise what you had until it's gone. And you were gone. Taken away from me. But I have you back now, and that's all that matters to me' I cried.

'I love you with all my heart and I'm glad you're back Ava' Taylor whispered in between sobs.

I cried with joy. I had my Taylor back. He was here with me.

'I'm sorry-' Taylor began, but I stopped him, covering his lips with my index finger.

'Stop saying sorry. I'm back and that's all that matters' I said smiling.

We kissed and I realised how much I missed his soft lips touching mine. I held on to him with all my life.

Then my friends entered and got the biggest shock of their lives.

Hazel, Isabelle, Nash, Cam, Zoe, Jack J, Kian and Cierra all raced over to me, hugging and kissing me.

They all told me how much they missed me, and I knew it was all genuine. I missed them too. They told me everything I had missed while Jack J rang my parents.

They told me about Lucy and Carter and how much Taylor had missed me, his face turning bright red everytime they brought it up.

Kian was bawling his eyes out, even as much as Taylor was. Well, maybe a little less.

'Ava, I-I missed much' Kian kept telling me.

'I didn't know what to do without you. You're my family but you're also my best friend and I was lost without you. But....but I knew you'd come back. You're strong and I had so much faith in you' Kian said, hugging me tightly.

'Don't ever leave me again' Kian whispered in my ear. I chuckled at him.

It felt so great to be back. I had all my friends and family back. I missed them so much. They meant so much to me.

If I had to go another day with hearing them, but not being able to respond or move, I swear I didn't know if I could've taken it any longer.

Hearing them cry and say the nicest, sweetest things was like a knife to the heart.

But hearing Taylor cry....I couldn't have taken it anymore. He sounded so guilty and sorry and he actually sounded in pain. I knew how much he needed me back and I felt exactly the same way. I completely forgot about the day he helped me jump off that pier. I didn't know he liked me for that long. It was adorable and really upsetting at the same time hearing that story from him. All those things he said really made me feel wanted.

Everyone left after a while to leave Taylor and I alone.

He sat down next to me, holding my hand. I gazed into his eyes and he began to speak.

'I-I'm giving up cocaine. I'm done with drugs. Cocaine is what started it all and I'm never doing it again. I regret giving it to you that night and I hope you'll give it up with me. It ruined my life and i'd hate to see you continuing making the same mistakes I did. I got addicted and I didn't know how to stop. I took over my life and changed it for the worse. Once I took my first sniff of cocaine it all went downhill from there and seeing you do it one more time would be the death of me. Don't ever take it again. I don't need it and neither do you. I took it in the first place to relieve all the drama and stress in my life, but to be honest it only took away those feelings for a little while. I thought it was my only option but it wasn't. Its cheesy to say but, you're my drug now' Taylor said, staring at me.

'I promise never to take it again' I said. And I meant it. I believed what he said. It started it all and now I'm going to end it. Never ever again will I take cocaine, or any drug for that matter.

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