Chapter 10

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Song-Gasoline-Troye Sivan

Isabelle's POV

I dragged myself home and lay down on my bed, face first. My cheek was burning. I can't believe Nash hit me. Nash! I guess I always knew he had a temper, but this?! He crossed the line. But....but I can't leave him can I? I know it sounds stupid, but I do still love him. I missed him when he was gone.

I clutched my cheek, too scared to face my family because I would have to explain why my cheek is all swollen.

So I just sat there for a good half an hour, trying to sort out what I should do. No one can help me make this decision, I have to do it myself. It's so hard though.

I ran my fingers through my brown hair. Why did Nash have to make this so difficult and complicated?

I plugged my earphones into my phone and started playing Ed Sheeran's new album. I shut my eyes and tilted my head back on the pillow. I felt so stressed, angry and upset at the same time. I felt damp tears on my face and ignored them, drifting off to sleep.

Kian's POV

I heard Ava and Taylor come in through the front door, giggling. I was sitting in the kitchen, eating a grilled cheese sandwich. I was having separate conversations in texts with Cameron and Cierra.

Ava and Taylor came in, hand in hand, falling around the place laughing. They completely ignored me and went up to Ava's room. If you asked me, I could've sworn they were tipsy.

Taylor's POV

I sniffed the white powder up, breathing in the goodness. Ava and I were behind a large bush in the far end of the park. It was 7:30pm and the park was deserted. I handed the white powder to Ava.

'C'mon, its fine' I reassured her.

She looked down at the dust and then glared at me.

I nodded at her, so she slowly sniffed up the powder. She stopped and smiled at me.

'It's good right?' I said, grinning.

She nodded back and sniffed up some more.

We left the park at 8:20 and went back to Ava's.

We were pretty high and it was hilarious.

We past through her kitchen and tripped up the stairs to her room. We sat on the floor and I stared at her deep, blue eyes. I leaned in, and our lips touched. It led to a full on make out session, but that's my business ;) 😉

All I can remember is waking up at midnight in Ava's bedroom floor. Well shit.

Isabelle's POV

I woke up with a killer headache. I rubbed my head sitting up, and decided it was a good idea to go get a glass of water and some painkillers. It was midnight, so my parents were probably asleep.

I stumbled down the stairs, still half asleep kind of, and walked into the kitchen. I completely forgot about one person...


Oh shit...

I slowly walked over to the sink with my head down, grabbed a glass and got the painkillers from the cupboard.

'What do you need those for?' Luke asked, slightly worried.

'Just a small headache' I said.

I turned around, my head still low, with the glass and the painkillers in my hand. My intention was to go up to my room with them, no questions asked, but no, my brother decided he wanted to be a nosy dick.

'Turn around' Luke said sternly.

I turned around and he lifted my head up.

'What....who?' Luke said angrily, his knuckles white with rage.

'' I whimpered.

'Isabelle, you better tell me who did this to you, or I'm going to find out!' He yelled, but not loud enough that my parents heard.

'N-Nash..' I whispered.

'That fucking....' Luke said, leaving the kitchen. I ran after him, scared to death about what he would do to Nash.

'Luke, don't please!' I begged.

But it was too late. Luke had already grabbed his coat and had gone out straight through the door.

I stood there, shaking. I didn't mean for this to happen. I sat down, sliding down the wall. I cried there, anxiously waiting for Luke to come back. I couldn't do anything. I was worthless. I couldn't save him. I couldn't save us...

********thanks for reading! 😘


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