Chapter 39

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Nash's POV

I can't do this anymore. Hurt people, I mean. Especially not Isabelle. She deserves better than me. I couldn't stay at the the pier any longer, listening to Isabelle say she would forgive me. I would never forgive myself.

I never did, that first time I hit her. I still think about it and feel guilty to this day. I can't keep hurting people.

'Nash!' I heard Isabelle yell behind me, I chose to ignore her, even though it killed me. 'Nash. Please!' she sobbed. Okay, how was i supposed to ignore that?!

She ran up to me and embraced me in a hug. 'Please don't leave me. I'll be hurt even more if you leave me' she cried'

'I'll be hurt even more if you leave me' 

Would she really be more hurt if I leave her? I can't do that to her. I want to protect her from me and everyone else, but if I want to do that, I have to be with her again. I do still love her. I really do.

'I'll never leave you again' I whispered, hugging her back and kissing the top of her head.

She looked up at me. 'Really?' she said softly. I nodded and smiled. She smiled back, giving me butterflies.

'I promise' I said and she snuggled into my neck.

Hannah's POV

Lucy is such a good friend. She was one of the nicest people I know. I don't have a crush on her though. And shes definitely not gay. She's with Carter.

'Lucy?' I said, getting her attention.

'Thank you. For helping me' I said shyly. 

'No problem. There are mean people in this world and we just have to stand up for ourselves and ignore them' she advised. I nodded, understanding.

'Anyway, I gotta go home' I said, standing up. I said goodbye to Lucy and left, walking out into the darkness.

I had to go home, even though that was the last place I wanted to go. The teasing is even worse at home. My two older brothers bully me everyday.

I took my time walking home and entered my house, as quietly as I could. 

I tip-toed to my room and got into my pyjamas, getting ready for bed. The house was pretty quiet, considering my parents weren't even home. They never were home. They always had better things to do.

Before I got into bed, I decided to go get some water so I quietly walked downstairs to the kitchen.

I got out a glass and poured in some water. 

'Hey queer' my older brother, Nathan, said. 

I turned around to see my brother large and strong build towering before me. Shit. 

'L-Leave me alone, Nathan' I mumbled, trying to walk past him. 

He just laughed in my face and pushed me to the floor, causing the glass to shatter and fall into pieces all over the tiled floor. My hand was bleeding so I clutched it, wanting Nathan to go away so badly. 

'What the f- oh' my other brother, James, said, rushing into the kitchen, then sneering at me.

'Did wittle Hannah get a booboo?' James joked, smirking at me. 

I stood upmoff the cold tiles and ran past them, tears forming in my eyes. Why is everyone so horrible?!

I ran into the bathroom off the left of my bedroom and ran my hand under the tap. My palm stung really bad, but I ignored the pain. I wrapped tissue paper around my hand, and began walking back into my room. 

On my way out of the bathroom, I saw scissors on the counter. I stared at them for ages, thinking of what I could do. I could end this all. Finish all this. Stop the teasing, insulting, being pushed around. 

No, I can't do that, Its not right. I have to live my life. I have to be strong. I cant be a little wuss and cut myself. I need to have courage and hope. 

I got into bed, holding my own cut hand. Eventually, I got to sleep.

Cameron's POV

I hope that Nash and Isabelle are okay. It had gotten dark out and Nash and Isabelle had been gone for half an hour. I hope they sorted things out.

Carter, Gillinsky and I had sat here in silence for the whole time. We all needed a breather. Eventually, Jack G spoke up.

'I'm sorry. For...for being an asshole' he muttered. I glanced at him, then turned my attention back to the glistening sea. 

'Don't apologise to me. Apologise to her' I simply said, staring straight ahead. The rest of the twenty minutes we were there were spent in complete and utter silence.

'I'm going to go check on them' I said, raising up and walking into the direction that Nash and Izzie had gone.

'Yo, guys?!' I called out, looking around. No answer.

I pulled out my phone and called Nash.

'What's up?' Nash said, over the phone.

'Where are you?' I asked, concerned. 

'Oh, I'm in Isabelles' he explained.

'Oh right' I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up. 

I returned to Carter and Gillinsky and explained what had happened. 

Out of boredom, I began looking through my phone and noticed I had a text from Hazel that was sent around an hour ago.

'Me, Aaron, Johnson and Cierra are in mine. Come if you want' the text read. 

I texted her back, asking if they were still there and she said yes, so i gathered the guys and we strolled to Hazels.

'Hey' Aaron said, as we walked into his room. 

We all sat around and talked and messed around for ages. 

'Let's play chicken!' Hazel screamed out.

'Whats chicken?' Gillinsky asked, confused.

'Its when you go on someones back and you have to fight with the other pair and the first ones to fall off their back lose' I explained.

We played in these apirs: Me and Hazel, Cierra and Carter, Aaron and Johnson and Gillinsky was going to joinin in the next round. He still didn't understand.

Aaron's room was pretty big, so there was enough room for us to play. 

The first group was me and Hazel against Carter and Cierra.

'Ready, set, fight!' Johnson yelled. 

Hazel hopped on my back and began bitch slapping Cierra. 

Cierra tried to push Hazel off my back while Carter and I kneed each other, laughing hysterically. 

'Come at me bruh!' Hazel yelled at Cierra, in between laughs. Carter and Cierra charged at us and Cierra and Hazel pushed each other around. 

Finally, Carter and Cierra fell on the carper, after me shouldering Carter. 

I gently laid Hazel on the bed, falling on top of her. She held my hands in hers and kissed my lips.

Next it was Johnson and Aaron against me and Hazel again, because we were the winners. 

Aaron and Johnson had this big, funny arguement over who should go on whos back and Johnson won, causing Aaron to hop on his back. 

'Fight me brutha!' Hazel screamed, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

'' I coughed, making Hazel giggle and release her hands.

Aaron and Johnson won, so they played Gillinsky and Carter. Aaron and Johnson won, making them the champions. 

After playing Chicken, we all were scattered around Aarons room, panting and laughing.

Hazel, Aaron and Carter left the room, coming back with bottles of Arizona tea for everyone and a large bag of Doritos.

'Your welcome bitches' Hazel laughed, opening her Arizona bottle and taking a sip.

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