Chapter 45

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Song-Last Time-Tatiana Manaois

Cameron's POV

Is my dad really being serious with the two days left thing? I can't leave in two days. I'll miss the end of the summer. How can I miss saying bye to everyone?

I was so angry. I just wanted to scream.

I need to tell Hazel. Now.

I ran out the door, ignoring my parents yelling after me.

I ran on the road all the way to Hazels, as fast as lightning. How was I going to tell her?

I reached her house and knocked on the door, impatiently.

I stood on her porch for about 5 minutes, knocking repeatedly. There was still no answer.

'Hazel!?' I called, banging on her door for the last time.

I sighed and walked back on to the pavement. I took my phone out of my pocket and called her.

'Hello?' Hazels voice said.

'Hazel, where are you. I need to tell you something urgent' I cried through the phone.

'Cam, a-are you okay?' she asked, worried.

'I'm not amazing right now. I need you. Where are you?' I asked.

'I'm at Subway with Aaron, Johnson and Zoe, why?' she asked.

'When can you meet me at the pier?' I asked, pacing around.

'In around 10 minutes. Is that okay?' she asked, confused and worried.

'Yeah...yeah that's fine. I'll see you then' I said.

'OK, bye Cam' she said, hanging up.

I raced down to the pier and sat down, swinging my legs. This was going to be the longest ten minutes of my life.

Finally, I heard footsteps behind me and swiftly turned around to see Hazel standing there.

'Cam, what's wrong?' she asked, rushing over to sit down next to me.

She held my hand in hers, stroking my palm, staring in my eyes.

'I-I'm leaving...i'm leaving Cali two days' I said sadly.

'What? Why?!' she asked shocked, holding my hand tightly.

'Because....because of last night' I said quietly.

'Oh Cameron!' she sobbed, clutching on to me.

'Do you really have to?!' she cried.

I nodded, feeling awful. I wish I had a choice.

'You're going to miss the last night!' she exclaimed.

'I know. I wish I didn't have to leave. I wanted to spend as much time with you as I could before we had to go back to school, but that's not happening now, I guess' I sniffed.

She held me close and crashed her lips onto him. I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her waist while hers went around my neck, tugging at my hair.

She bit my lip, making me smile a little. so really do love her. I love Hazel with all my heart. I can't leave. Not so soon.

'You says you can't spend all your time left with me?' she said smirking and winking.

I grinned back and we left to pier, laughing. This was gonna be a good day.

Abi's POV

'That's the last of it, I think' my mom said, shutting the trunk of the car.

Well, this was it. The end of my summer. I was leaving California now for the whole summer. I couldn't stay here any longer.

I felt so so guilty for making Hannah feel like shit. Well, I can't change the past. What's done is done and now, so is my summer. This is the last time I'm going to see Cali for a whole year.

I didn't even say goodbye to anyone. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving. Its not like they were going to miss me. I fucked up. I was a bitch all summer. Why would they want me here?

I got into the car next to my brother and leaned back into the seat. It was going to be a long car ride. Really long.

I plugged in my earphones and shut my eyes as my mom began to start the car.

'You guys ready. Did you forget anything?' my mom asked my brother and I.

I shook my head and looked out the window. This was it, I guess. Bye Cali.

I looked at the beach, the palm trees, the people on the beach swimming and sunbathing and the people jogging, walking and skateboarding around. A whole year without this place. I hate leaving, but I know I need to.

My time for this summer is over. I had my time and I made shit of it. I started drama, hung out with the wrong people and bullied people. Those are the things I can't change and that I have to live with. I thought that leaving California would make me forget. Forget all the mistakes I made this summer.

I said one more goodbye to the sunshine and the beach went out of view and so did the summer.

I went on my phone and found everyone in California's phone numbers and made a group chat. I then texted everyone a very plain and simple 'Bye 😢'.

I Locked my phone again and closed my eyes again also. I feel like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders but another one was just put on. My mind was a mess.

My thoughts were interrupted by a new message on the group chat I made.

Gillinsky: What? Are u leaving?

Abi: Ya, I've already left.

Gillinsky: Why didn't you say?

Abi: I knew no one was going to care.

I muted my phone after that. I was done with the people from the summer. Now all my attention was in school and soccer. That's it.

I'm done with the summer.

Zoe's POV

'Are you serious?!' I asked my mom.

My mom nodded, a huge grin on her face.

'Oh my God. Thank you!' I yelled hugging her tightly.

'I have to go tell Jack!' I screamed, running out the door.

We had just come back from Subway when my mom told me the news. I was ecstatic.

I ran all the way to Jack J's and knocked on the door. He opened the door, wearing just sweatpants and no shirt. Well hello 😏

I hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

'I'm not leaving California forever!' I screamed, clinging on to him.

'What?!' he asked.

'My mom was thinking of selling the summer house, but you already know that. She was on the phone to my aunt and my mom was telling her how sad I was about selling, but then my aunt said shed buy the house! And that I could come down to Cali with her for the whole summer!' I yelled, jumping off Jack and kissing him.

'My aunt has two kids anyway, so having a summer house is perfect. And I get to still see you guys every summer!' I squealed.

'Oh my God, Zoe, that's the best news I've heard in ages. I'm so happy!' he exclaimed.

'I get to stay....Thank God!' I said, out of breath from the running and screaming. This was the best news ever. I can't believe it.

'Oh Jack, I'm so so so happy!' I said, jumping up and down.

'I'm so happy for you! I thought I was never going to see you again!' he said, pulling me close to him.

'Don't ever scare me like that again. I thought I was going to lose you' he said, his soft lips touching mine, making me get fireworks all over.

'I won't' I laughed. He held me close and we kissed each other, our lips moving in sync. The feeling of his lips touching mine gave me that feeling like I can't really describe.

Endless Summer-A Magcon Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now