Chapter 19

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Song-Rather Be-Jasmine Thompson Cover

Taylor's POV

I was in Ava's room again, clutching her hand. I wiped the tears away from my cheek. I was so used to crying by now.

I said what I said to Ava whenever I visited her in her bleak hospital room. I said I'm sorry in as many different ways as I could.

'Hey Ava. It's me, Taylor. I'm back again. I really do hope you can hear me. I'm sorry Ava. I'm sorry for my mistake that you could probably never forgive me for. This is my fourth time in here with you, and I want to say something that I haven't said those other three times, so here goes.

I-i'm not asking for you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I tried, and that's it. That I tried. I tried to be a good boyfriend, I tried to protect you, I tried to find a flaw in my love for you, but there wasn't one. I fall in love with you everytime I see you. Everytime I see your beautiful face. Also when I hear your voice or your laugh, or when I see you smile that gorgeous smile of yours. But I can't hear you, or see you smile anymore. But I still love you to pieces. I don't even know what love actually is, but if it's this feeling I get everytime I see you, then being in love is amazing. I can just remember you before we even went out. If I'm being completely honest, I've had a crush on you since we were 10. But actually being with you is the best feeling in the world. I remember when you were scared to jump the pier when we were 10 and you kept holding my hand because you were so frightened. I hoped that you would never let go. I fell in love with you that day. When you finally jumped off that pier. The huge smile you had when you came out of that water. The sopping hug you gave me, after you thanked me for encouraging you to jump. I held you back and I fell in love. I'm still in love with that Ava today, but I changed you, and I'm sorry. I'm immature and completely unreliable and don't care for others safety. If I did, you wouldn't be in this coma. And...but I still love you, because I know deep down that you're still that scared, little girl on the pier'.

I sniffled and wiped my nose with the sleeve of my sweater. Then I remembered that I forgot something. I left the room and came back with a box. A box with a present for Ava in it.

I opened the box and revealed the silver necklace I bought for her. It had a little heart locket on it, with the engraving of 'T & A' on it.

'Here Ava' I said, putting the necklace around her neck. It looked beautiful on her. Then I sat there and cried and cried. I...just wanted her to wake up.

'Please wake up Ava. Please...for me' I whispered in her ear.

Lucy's POV

Where.....where was I?

I jolted up to find that I had fallen asleep on a bus stop bench. Classy.

I yawned and looked around. It was really cold. I wrapped my arms around my freezing cold body and looked around. I didn't recognise this street at all.

It was pretty dark, but I could make out a couple of old and worn-down apartments, a closed down corner store and street lights along the road, but unfortunately none of them worked.

I reached into my pocket and took out my cracked, white iPhone 5s and unlocked it.

It was 2:48am and my phone had 18% of battery left. Shit, I thought in my head.

I can't even remember coming here. My head was aching just trying to remember. What the hell happened?

I suddenly got extremely scared. What have I done?! I buried my face in my hands and began to cry.

I wish Carter was here...

Wait, no! Stop Lucy, you can't think that, I thought to myself. Carter's a dickhead. You can't want him here.

*******Sorry guys, really short chapter. I'll update really soon.

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