Burn, Baby, Burn - Donah

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"Daniel, I'm home!" I yell as I walk through the door, wiggling my key to get it out of the lock. There's a strange smell in the house - not the smell of Daniel's shirts from the laundry detergent, not the smell of Zach's disgusting old shoes, but something different. Worse."Daniel?"

I walk into the kitchen, the smell of smoke - smoke - becoming more and more apparent. "Daniel!"

And there he is, standing over a smoky oven, his hand blistering and red. Tears are running down his face as he tries to calm down. His clear blue eyes, easily my favorite thing about him, are clouded with pain and sadness. "I was trying to make you a cake."

"What? Why? What happened?"

"Jonah, I'm fine, really," Daniel says, cradling his burned hand. "But your birthday is coming up and I wanted to do something special-"

I cut him off by hugging him, being careful about his hand. I pull back, the sadness in his eyes only replaced by tears that match mine.

"Oh baby, please don't cry," I whisper. "I was just worried about you is all. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Well..." Daniel says, fully revealing his blistered hand, swollen, red and burned to a crisp. "Sort of."

I carefully examine his hand, noticing his grimace and his intake of breath through his teeth. I can tell he's holding back tears and trying to not let pain get to him. "I think we should go to the hospital."

"No!" Daniel says, pulling his hand away. "I'm fine."

"You are not fine. At least let me bandage it, and if it doesn't go away in a few days, we need to go to the hospital, all right?"

Daniel nods reluctantly. I lead him to the bathroom where he hops up onto the counter. I clean his burn as best as I can, getting a lot of the dried blood from the blisters off of it - all while Daniel clenches his jaw and squeezes my arm until his knuckles are white.

I bandage his hand and help him off the counter, with him being him and falling unbalanced onto my chest.

"Thank you," he mumbles.

I shake my head. "Thank you. For not forgetting."

"How could I ever?" He says, his eyes looking into mine, clear as day. No clouds. No pain. Only clear skies and sunshine whenever I'm with him.


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