The Quiet Ones - Jorbyn

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"I don't know, Jack, it's just something about him."

"He's new. Could that be it?"

We're leaning against the lockers, watching a brown-haired boy gather books from his locker down the hall.

"No..." I answer quietly. "That's not it." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Ugh, my head."

Jack laughs. "You partied a little too hard this weekend, didn't you?"

I grin. "Don't I always?"

"Who's was it this weekend?"

"Eben's," I say slyly. "He invited me over, and I stayed after everyone else left."

"And?" Jack asks, raising an eyebrow.

I shrug. "He's exactly like all the others - too ready to fall into bed."

Jack laughs again. "What else do you expect when you hang with the party boys every weekend? Besides, they're always being rumored to have hooked up with some new girl every week."

"So what you're saying is that I'm the exception to the rule," I say, still grinning.

"What I'm saying is that you insist on spending every weekend with these boys, who are all getting drunk and high and shit, and then you wonder why they want to fall in bed with you." Jack shakes his head. "Tease."

I shove him. "I'm not a tease!" He laughs. "I just like going out and having fun. I'm not looking for a hookup. I never am."

"But you lead them to think that!" Jack protests.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

By this time, we're both laughing loudly, and the boy down the hall hears us. He looks up and catches my eye, his face turning up into a half smile. Then, he disappears down the hall, and Jack and I have to run to class to avoid being late.

"Mr. Besson," my history teacher says as I step through the doorframe half a second before the bell rings. "Cutting it a bit close, aren't we?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" I say, earning a disapproving look from her but getting no response.

"Class, you'll have today and tomorrow to finish your essays," my teacher says, taking a seat at her desk. "Mr. Marais, may I see you for a moment?"


Well, well, well what do you know - mystery boy appears seemingly out of thin air and walks over to her desk. Eavesdropping won't do anything for me, since I sit on the other side of the room. But there is one advantage to not being in front of that desk. I pull out my phone and text Jack.

Me- Marais. Find out everything you can.

Jack- On it.

Jack is always in the mood to investigate.

"Mr. Besson, I hope you're writing your essay with that phone!"

"Yes ma'am," I grumble, catching the boy's eye again, and earning another of those cute little half smiles as he sits back down. A moment later a note is dropped on my desk.

Looks like you're my history tutor, blondie. What did I miss?

I smile and turn to see the brunette boy looking straight at me. He blushes and looks down, and it's such an innocent little thing that I can't help but smile bigger. I write back.

Lots. Come to my house after school?

I pass the note back, and a second later there's the sound of paper rustling, and then the note is back on my desk.

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