Graduates - Janiel

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"Babe, you ready?" I hear Jack call as I jog down the steps at his house.

"I'm right here," I respond, jumping softly off of the last step like a little kid. Jack looks up from his phone and smiles.

"You look great," he says.

I just giggle. "We're dressed the exact same, love," I say, gesturing to his cap and gown. "But you look wonderful too. Pictures now?"

"My mom's already outside." He takes my hand and leads me out to his backyard, where his family and my family are all waiting to get our high school graduation pictures.

There are some of just the two of us, some with our families, and Jack's mom even managed to take one when I stole Jack's cap and hid it behind my back until he gave me a kiss. That one's my favorite.

"Ready?" I ask Jack, climbing into his truck.

"Nope," Jack responds, revving the engine and checking his rearview mirror as we back out of his driveway. "But let's do this thing."

And he held my hand the entire way to graduation.

Once we get there, he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading off to find his seat. "See you later?"

"Always, my love," I reply, blowing him a quick kiss and waving.

I meet up with Zach, Jonah, and Corbyn, and before I even know it, teachers are herding us into line to get onto the platform outside. Music starts and, all too soon, we're graduating.

After getting our diplomas, I'm listening as Corbyn gives his valedictorian speech.

"And as we move forward in life, in love, in friendships, we have to remember to keep the ones who support us, love us, and treat us like gold closest. If it weren't for them, we would not be who we are today." I turn to my right and look back to see Jack already staring at me. I know we're both thinking the same thing: that's you! Jack gives me a small smile.

Corbyn is finishing up his speech by the time I turn back around. "I'm grateful and proud to say that these people, my fellow graduates, are exactly those types of people. I'm honored to be graduating with you all today, and thank you for all the memories over the last four years. Best of luck to everyone, no matter where life takes you. Cheers!" The crowd applauds as our principal takes over the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he says with a flourish,"the Rover High class of 2019!"

As we all take off our caps and prepare to throw them, Jack appears swiftly at my side, pulling me into him. I giggle and steal his cap as he lightly dips me backward and captures my lips in a soft and sweet kiss.

"How do you feel now that you're a graduate?" He asks.

"Ready," I say. "As long as I've got you, graduate or not, I'm ready for anything." I hand him his cap back and we throw them into the night air together.


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