Make You Mine - Jachary

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"Jealous much?" Jack slams the hotel door shut, yelling at Zach.

"You knew I didn't want this!" Zach screams. "I don't care who the hell wants you and Gabbie to pose together as a couple, but when she puts her hands on my boyfriend, of course I'm going to be pissed!"

"Seriously, it was just an act," Jack says, rolling his eyes. "I thought you were okay with all of this, babe. I would've stopped sooner if I knew it bothered you." Jack's voice is calmer now, the anger gone. He steps closer to Zach, a light dancing behind his eyes. "I would've dropped her like a new song." Zach bites the inside of his cheek, trying not to laugh. Somehow, Jack always manages to make him laugh, even when Zach wants to be mad at him.

"I hate the way she looks at you, I hate the way she talks to you, I hate that everyone thinks you're hers."

Jack speaks again, voice low, his brown eyes eyes searching Zach's. He puts a hand on Zach's cheek, pulling them together. "When did you get to be so protective?"

Zach smirks. "Only around you." He knows what Jack wants - he can see it within his darkened eyes.

"We could change all of that. I could make you forget all about her. I could make her go away, make it just you and me. I could make you mine, right here, right now."

"Well then what are you waiting for?" Zach says, connecting their lips in a feverish kiss.

Jack accepts the kiss, a little surprised. Suddenly, as he realizes what was about to happen, he comes to his senses.

"We don't...have to do...this," Jack says between kisses. "We could stop."

Zach pulls back, pouting, looking straight at Jack. "Don't you dare."

Jack laughs as Zach swoops back in to kiss him again. "I'm just saying we just have to be smart about this."

Zach pulls back once more. "Being smart was never my specialty. A smart-ass, maybe." Jack laughs, and Zach gets serious. "But I swear to God, if you tell me to jump, I will walk out of here and leave you frustrated."

"Noted," Jack agrees lowly, and connecting their lips again. He moves down to Zach's neck, and, giggling softly, Zach turns the lock on the hotel room door.

"All yours, baby," Zach breathes next to Jack's ear, smiling, squealing as Jack pulls him onto the bed and under the protection of the covers.


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