Welcome to New York - Dorbyn

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Daniel rolls over next to Corbyn in bed, smiling when Corbyn shifts to drape an arm over him and kisses the back of his neck softly. "Morning Dani."

"Morning Bean." Daniel snuggles into Corbyn and turns to kiss him on the nose before he stands, crossing the room to open the blinds on the windows. When he does, sunshine pours into the room, and Corbyn groans from bed, pulling the blankets up over his head.

Daniel laughs and tries to pull the blankets away, but Corbyn doesn't let them past his green eyes. "Coffee?"

Daniel laughs again, taking Corbyn's hands and pulling him out of bed. "You sound like Jonah. Yes, let's go for coffee."

The pair get ready for the day, and, holding hands, make their way to the coffee cart down the street from their New York City apartment.

"I still can't believe you're here," Daniel says excitedly, swinging their interlocked hands back and forth. "It's been a month already, but it still feels like a dream."

About six months ago, Daniel had moved to New York City for a job as a music producer, and he left LA and everything he knew behind. Three months into living in the long-distance relationship, Corbyn realized that he simply couldn't live without Daniel, so he decided to move in with Daniel on the east coast. Corbyn packed his bags and left LA after he and Daniel had sorted everything out with Corbyn moving in. The two had been living together in New York for a little over a month now.

"I know," Corbyn says, pulling himself out of his memories. "But I'm so glad I moved."

Daniel smiles. "Me too." The couple shares a kiss, and then Daniel asks, "Well love, what do you want to do today?"

"I was thinking," Corbyn begins, the steam from his coffee visible in the chilly, early December air, "that you could show me around the city. You've been wanting to since the moment I got here."

Daniel's eyes light up, and Corbyn's heart glows. He loves seeing his baby happy. "Oh my gosh, Corbyn, that's perfect!" Daniel says, almost squealing with excitement. "Okay, okay, we gotta move fast and we gotta start now. There's so much I want to show you!"

Corbyn laughs as Daniel pulls his hand, urging him to move faster toward the subway. They get on a train at Grand Central Station. Daniel doesn't stop smiling the whole ride, and when the train finally stops where they need to get off, Daniel pulls Corbyn's arm and says, "First stop, love. Let's go adventure!"

Corbyn laughs and allows himself to be pulled back above ground and into the sunshine.

"It might be cliche," Daniel says, leading Corbyn to the first stop of his tour, "but Central Park is especially beautiful this time of year."

"It's not cliche. I think it's perfect," Corbyn answers. The couple walks through the park, talking about nothing and everything at the same time, finishing off their coffee together before Daniel moves along with his tour of the city.

The two get on another subway train to a harbor, where they board a boat going around Liberty Island. Corbyn leads Daniel to the rail of the boat, feeling the icy air from off the water blow across his skin.

"Goodbye Central Park," says Daniel, "and hello Lady Liberty."

In front of them was the colossal Statue of Liberty. Her copper glory might've turned green from age, but Corbyn could see her fierceness in protecting the freedom of her country.

Or maybe it was all in that artistic imagination of his.

"Lady Liberty," the captain of the boat explains, "was a gift from France in 1886. The torch she carries symbolizes enlightenment and lighting the path to freedom. The book she carries has "JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" inscripted on on it, which are Roman numerals that say July 4, 1776 - the day that the US Declaration of Independence was signed." The captain steers the boat completely around the stature statue before getting it back to the harbor.

As the Corbyn and Daniel get off the boat and get back to land and the subway station, Corbyn smiles at Daniel and says, "So, what's our next stop?"

"Last, but certainly not least," Daniel says, smiling mischievously as they board the last train of their adventure. "Times Square, baby."

The trip takes them only a few minutes, and once Corbyn is off, he's practically running to get above ground. Times Square was something he'd always wanted to see, and once he spots it, his jaw drops open and he comes to a dead stop in the middle of everything.

Corbyn looks around, wide-eyed, at the bustling square - people everywhere coming in and out of the shops, the signs flashing ads for everything from the newest Taylor Swift album to Doritos, and the giant Christmas tree in the center of it all.

"Well?" says Daniel, leaning a cheek on Corbyn's upper arm.

"Wow," he says, in complete awe.

"That's it?" Daniel laughs.

Corbyn smiles and chuckles. "I don't even know what else to say!"

Daniel laughs again and leans his head on Corbyn's shoulder. The pair stand together, not saying a word, just simply being with each other. Eventually, they decide to head home.

"Well, that's the tour," Daniel says, eyes sparkling as they walk. "Welcome to New York, Corbs - it's been waiting for you."


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