Can I Kiss You This Christmas? - Donah

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Jonah had been eyeing the blue-eyed boy from across the room all night. He watched him as he danced, as he laughed, as he sat by the glowing fire, his features even more beautiful in the shadows. And all the while, a single question wanted to be free of Jonah's mind, a question only blue-eyed boy should hear: Can I kiss you this Christmas?

Jonah had been watching him for so long, he began to feel like a stalker.

And stalkers don't normally get approached.

So when the blue-eyed boy came up to Jonah, the same bright smile in place, Jonah was a little more than flustered.

The blue-eyed boy - Daniel - outgoing person he as is, fixes Jonah with a stare and a playful grin. "Are you just going to keep staring or are you going to ask me to dance?"

Jonah, clearly thrown off his game, could only gape at the boy. He licks his lips, collecting himself. But before he can say a word, Daniel takes his hand and pulls him through the crowd, leading him to the dance floor. And as they dance, Jonah can be free. Spending time with the boy only made Jonah fall deeper and deeper into Daniel's part of Wonderland.

Laughing, Jonah pulls Daniel away from the dance floor and out onto a balcony.

"Good-looking and a great dancer," Daniel laughs. "Is there anything you can't do?"

Jonah smirks and says, "I guess you'll just have to spend more time with me to find out."

Daniel smirks right back. "Smooth, Marais. Real smooth."

They stand in silence, staring at the moon, partially hidden behind the clouds that were waiting to sprinkle snow on the earth, just in time for Christmas. Daniel shivers. Not from the cold, but from the magic he felt when he was around Jonah. But Jonah didn't take it that way.

"Do you want my jacket?" Jonah asks, shrugging it off and draping it over Daniel's shoulders before Daniel could decline the offer. Jonah left him arms wrapped loosely around Daniel, Daniel dropping his head onto Jonah's shoulder.

"We should probably go back in," Daniel sighs, hoping Jonah would disagree and keep him to himself for a while longer.

Instead, Jonah sighs, thinking the same thing about Daniel, and says, "Probably." And as they turn, they realize that the whole time they had been outside, mistletoe was hanging overhead.

Jonah blushes. "You mind?" He asks, gesturing to the mistletoe hung between them.

Daniel shakes his head. "It's tradition, after all," he says slyly. "And it'd be a crime to break tradition."

It was Jonah's turn to chuckle. "Smooth, Seavey. Real smooth." He kisses Daniel, and it's the most magical a Christmas has ever been to him.

"Good-looking, a good dancer, and a good kisser," Daniel chuckles, pulling away from him slightly, resting his forehead on Jonah's. "There really isn't anything bad about you, is there?"

"Not when I'm with you." Jonah smirks, dipping down to kiss Daniel again.

"I said it once and I'll say it again," Daniel says, his lips meeting Jonah's, "smooth, Marais. Real smooth."


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