Alone Together - Donah

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Daniel couldn't believe it. Here he was, in the corner of a bar, on Saturday night - completely alone. He went through a nasty breakup a week beforehand, and he still wasn't over it.

Daniel sighs and takes another sip of his white wine. He meets eyes with a mysterious hazel-eyed guy across the bar, sipping on what looked like rum and Coke. He takes a last gulp of the drink, throws it back down on the counter, and asks the bartender for another one. When he receives it, the boy smiles and saunters over to Daniel.

"Hello there, beautiful," the boy says, a sparkle in his eye. Judging by his clear voice, Daniel knew he wasn't drunk. Yet, anyway. "What's your name?"

"Daniel," Daniel answers, setting his glass on the table. "And you are?"

"Jonah," the hazel-eyed boy responds, smiling. "Now tell me, Daniel: what is a gorgeous boy like yourself doing here all alone?"

Daniel felt the corner of his lip turn up in a smirk. "Trying to get over somebody else."

"Ah, I see. Same here," Jonah says, toasting his glass and taking another sip of his drink. "Well, I couldn't help but notice you. It's not every day you come across someone quite like yourself." Noticing Daniel's almost-empty glass, he says, "Can I buy you another drink?"

"Why not?" Daniel laughs. "If we're going to be alone, we should be alone together."

Jonah laughs with him, and suddenly leans in to kiss Daniel. Daniel finds himself kissing the boy back, his hands on his shoulders. In the corner, it was like their own little world - nobody else could see them. They were keeping each other company.

Jonah pulls away from Daniel, biting his lip. As he glances around the neon lights and loud music of the bar, he asks, "Do you want to maybe get out of here? I know a great place we can go."

"Sure," Daniel says coyly, sliding his hand from Jonah's shoulder to hold his hand.

Jonah let Daniel lead him outside, and the two ran to Jonah's car - Jonah behind the wheel and Daniel riding shotgun. Jonah turns the radio up and rolls the windows down, he and Daniel singing all the way to Central Park.

Parking streetside, Jonah smiles at Daniel's quizzical expression before he gets out and leans against the front of the car, wrapping an arm around Daniel's shoulders. "Just you and me. What do you think?"

"I think...that this is Central Park," Daniel answers, laughing when Jonah playfully rolls his eyes.

"Your eyes light up beautifully when you laugh," Jonah murmurs, making Daniel blush. He smiles softly. "I really liked meeting you tonight Daniel."

Daniel places a hand on Jonah's chest and kisses him again. "Same here. We should be alone together more often."

"I'm free again on Tuesday night. Want me to meet you somewhere?"



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